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The air was fresh and cool on his face as he sat there absorbing the vitamin D. He was in the process of selling his old home, the one his parents left for him out of all their other estates and he was going to give half to his ex-husband. The thought of the man he used to love caused a familiar flutter in his chest. Sebastian wished he didn't feel this way, he hoped he'd have stopped loving him but it simply was not that easy, two years was still not enough time to be truly over him, even if he wanted too. He sighed and kept his eyes closed, not caring if anyone thought he was mad.

There was a loud excited bark. Then a familiar velvety voice. Sebastian shuddered.

"A penny for your thoughts? "His eyes fluttered as he then looked at Matt with his large German Shepherd. Sebastian stared at the gorgeous caramel coloured dog which sat there, waggling it's tail happily and staring up at him.

"Hello Sally." Sebastian said instead, completely captivated by the creature which hesitantly sniffed at his hand before allowing him to pet it. He laughed.

"Am I invisible? I knew this would happen, Sally, this is exactly why I leave you out of my relationships. They only see you. "Sebastian looked up at Matt who pouted.

"Aww, don't be a hater." Matt huffed and Sebastian scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Hello, Matthew." He said rather lowly. Mathew glanced at him and Sebastian put on his most innocent look.

"Aww, dammit. "Mathew turned his body towards him and hugged him back while they sat." you're too adorable to be mad at. "Sebastian let out a giggle as Sally seemed to feel left out and began pushing her head between them and whining. Once there was enough space between them, she leaped onto the bench between them. The pair laugh and leaned down to see one another." See, she is the jealous type. "Sally turned to Matt and licked his cheek. Sebastian grinned.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" Sebastian asked.

"A walk for Sally here and maybe a movie? My house? "Sebastian grinned and stood.

"Sounds good."


"No, but what she did was unseasonable, I don't get why when the girl is being abused and her mate rejects her she leaves and comes back a whole new person. It just doesn't make sense, being sexier and tougher than she was isn't who she really wants to be, she does it for their acceptance which goes against her original character which shows that she has always been someone who cares about what people think, she just never had anyone who would help her until she left. "Sebastian argued as the movie came to an end.

"I can't disagree with that point, but remember, werewolves can't go without their mates, even if she had changed to get his attention, her goal was to get him back, she was just to blinded by anger to realise that she was doing it for him and the pack's acceptance. "Matt reasoned and Sally stared at them before huffing and going back to lying down.

"I think it's stupid to change yourself for the sake of others, if they didn't like you before, they won't like you after. They already adored her, they just didn't know how to show it properly. "Matt chuckled and Sebastian pouted, turning to him." Don't laugh at me Mr. I know how to pinch. "

"Adorable." Sebastian flushed and turned back to the screen.

"Hush, "he leaned towards the table and took another romantic comedy called the 'other woman'." This seems promising. "

"Oh, that is a good movie, I simply love Cameron Diaz." Sebastian grinned.

"She is amazing. "He handed it to Matt who went to plug it in.

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