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He was true to his word and Sebastian felt the familiar flutter in his chest as his phone rang, Matt's name flashing on the screen. They had talked for hours about everything and nothing. He had stayed on the line till he fell asleep and Sebastian was touched.

The next day, Sebastian spent thinking about Matt, wondering if he'd call soon, if he wanted to hang out. He was on cloud nine. His phone rang and he jumped, he peaked over his couch and he ran over his couch, stumbling and falling face first. He cursed and stood, grabbing his phone from the table.

"Hello? "He asked panting.

"Sebastian? Are you seriously having sex?" Christopher's baritone rang over the line and Sebastian pouted rubbing his forehead.

"What do you want!? "He whined only to hear a deep laughter over the phone.

"Aww, looks like somebody was expecting a certain someone by the name of Shamshu." Sebastian scrunched his fsce up in disgust as a hushed tone rang over the line in the background and Christopher groaned.

"Apologise, "Sebastian heard the soft tone of Evan.

"I'm told to apologise," Christopher grumbled and Sebastian chuckled at how different Christopher is with his husband.

"Accepted, now what do you want? "Sebastian grumbled walking over to the couch.

"What, am I not allowed to call my favourite brother in the world?" Sebastian rose a brow even though his brother couldn't see him.

"I'm your only brother. "He huffed huffed.

"Point is." Christopher said. "I want to meet this boy."

"Eh? "Sebastian found himself making the weird sound." You are mad, I barely even knowing him, you can't meet him, he might just be a short fling, it might not be real, he'd probably just made a bet with his friends that day a-"

"Sebastian, "he paused." You are such an idiot. "Sebastian pouted over the phone.

"I don't like you." Sebastian hissed and he laughed enthusiastically causing Sebastian to hang up. "Men." he huffed and threw his phone at the end of the couch.


"Hey, "Sebastian greeted shyly as he played with the fabric of his pants. Over the phone there was a loud bark and Matt chuckled.

"How are you?" Sebastian shrugged with a blush, glad Matt couldn't see the effect he had on him.

"I'm good, and you? "

"Exhausted, but happy. What did you do today?" Sebastian looked around his house and made a face.

"Nothing. "Matt chuckled.

"Lucky you."

"No, not lucky me, I sat here, all day doing nothing. I am not healthy. "Matt chuckled over the phone.

"Don't worry, you don't look it." Sebastian flushed and another bark ran out through the phone and Matt groaned. "Sally, down now." Matt commanded and Sebastian grinned.

"Your dog sounds adorable. "

"I guarantee she is not." Matt let out a groan, "Sally!" He whined. "I'm sorry, she seems in desperate need of my attention."

"No worries, attend to your canine. "

"But I'm attending to you." Sebastian chuckled.

"And I will be here while you do that. "

"Yay, so no hanging up? Good. Sally, please could you sit still, come, cuddle into papa, good girl." Matt cooed over the phone.

"I wish I could meet her, she sounds wonderfully sweet. "Matt laughed.

"She is, and very possessive, I wasn't sure if you were into dogs or not." Matt said randomly.

"Oh, I love dogs. I jsed to own two beautiful sharpai's. "

"What happened to them?" Matt sounded genuinely concerned.

"Peter never liked them so he said they had to go and me being the overly submissive man and wanting him comfortable, I did as long as they went to a loving family. "Sebastian said sadly.

"I hate to say it, but your ex sounds really overbearing." Sebastian sighed.

"True, but I never saw it that way. When he told me he felt jealous of them I actually thought it was cute, maybe unnecessary but I never really had a say. "

"Well, Sally would love to be your daughter, isn't that right?" Sebastian grinned as a happy bark rang out.

"I would love to be her new daddy too. "He said rather softly.

"I have to say, I like the sound lf that." Sebastian laughed and they went on to talk about everything. It felt right, comfortable and Sebastian loved it.




"I do not see why I am here. "Sebastian said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I do, you have yet to go shopping in a long time and you need some sexy things to help you woo Matthew ." Sebastian gapped at Evan who winked and giggled. "You know you want to." Sebastian glared at Evan.

"It has only been two months and we've had four dates, "Sebastian said." I don't need anything sexy if we haven't even been inside each others houses or met each others families. "Evan turned to him holding up a blue button up.

"Speaking of houses," Evan began nervously, avoiding his eye. "When are you going to sell the mansion?" Sebastian glared at Evan.

"Really? "

"I'm sorry!" Evan raised his hands. "I was told to ask." Sebastian glared.

"By who? "Evan bit his lip and begsn looking through leather pants." Evan. ". Sebastian said warningly.

"I don't want to spoil you mood." He whispered and Sebastian frowned.

"What did he say? "Sebastian asked, his voice low, his previous mood now gone, replaced with a dull ache.

"Apparently, Peter needs you to see the house and share the money with him." Sebastian froze and looked to Evan.

"That house is mine. He has no right. He said I could keep it anyway. " Sebastian not only felt the cold feeling of emptiness but anger too.

"Christopher believes that he could be having money issues and he thinks kt would be best if you would just sell it and get him off your back for good." Evan touched his shoulder. "But you do what you think is right, okay, Seb? But bear in mind how much happier you are now, if you don't sell it, he could come back and when he does I don't think you'll be able to take it. Seeing him with her." Sebastian gave a nod and sighed.

"You're right, it's been two years, I should have sold it the time I bought the new one. "Evsn grinned.

"That's the spirit, now, I need a new cherry coloured thong." Sebastian scrunched his face up.

"I do not need to know that. "Evan blushed.

"Hush." Sebastian laughed as they walked towards the underwear section of the store, his thoughts now on his ex-husband. Could he really be in debt? He shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking of it, but he couldn't help it, after all, his ex had been his first everything.

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