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Sebastian Ward groaned and rolled off of Matthew's naked chest and onto his back only to wince at the slight ache in his lower back. He groaned a bit more, trying to locate the phone which rang rather obnoxiously, disturbing his peaceful sleep.

"Dang it! "He said and huffed before giving up and slumping down onto the bed, his arm dangling over the bed. He tried to go back to sleep then as he heard the phone die down.

Then there was barking and He groaned, taking a pillow and placing it over his head to block out all the noise. He just wanted to sleep and not wake up for a long time.

There was a shift on the bed, sheets flew onto him coupled by a loud thub before the pitter patter of feet slapping against hardwood flooring occurred then a loud sound of water clashing with water. Sebastian couldn't help but sigh. The barking continued before the opening of a door and then it was closer and clicking of nails was heard. Sebastian giggled sleepily as he felt the wet nose of Sally on his arm along with licking.

"Sally, how about we go feed you? "The dog barked and whined, nudging Sebastian to come out of hiding and to join in on the coming feeding. Sebastian groaned and Sally latched his teeth onto his pillow and pulled. Sebastian gave a whine of his own as he failed to fight the eager and very awake dog. Then her dog breath was far to much to bare and Sebastian rolled over with a groan and a flinch.

"So mean. "A deep laugh resonated through the room. Sebastian blinked his eyes open, trying to rid himseld of the sleep which he was begging to go back to." Demanding canine, don't know when to quit. Infuriating, can't you let me sleep? K let you sleep, I'm not mean to you. I pet you, cuddle you, scratch you, how can you not let me sleep! "Sebastian whined pitifully at the end of his short rant. Sally sat with her head tilted to the side.

"She's already won, now out of bed, booboo." Sebastian scowled and raised his hand.

"Don't ever, call me booboo unless you want to be well acquainted with my fist, "He huffed earning himself a chuckle.

"Someone is cranky," Matt commented coming into view and Sebastian pouted adorably.

"Not a morning person. "Matt gave a small smile and Sally's paw came into view and they turned to see her head nodding to the side.

"You stay, catch up on sleep then, I'll go make breakfast." Matt checked the bedside watch and pursed his lips. "I have work soon." He lightly planted a kiss onto Sebastian's forehead who nodded his eyes already falling. Sally let out a whine as Matt pulled her out.

As the silence stretched, so did a small content smile on Sebastian's face. He snuggled deeply into his boyfriends pillow, sniffing deeply and his brows furrowed.

Boyfriend, was he my boyfriend now?  Sebastian thought, I mean, have sex with someone doesn't always mean they want to be your boyfriend, does it? People sleep around all the time, Sebastian frowned. Did it mean something for him? Did he want me for more than just a piece of ass? Would he still want to see me?

Suddenly the air was too thick and he felt his heart squeeze at the meer thought of not being wanted.

Your own husband doesn't want you and you've know him since you were just a boy. A small voice echoed into his head. Sebastian sat up, suddenly unable to sleep. He bit his lip, his eyes shifted around the room frantically and he bolted out of the bed towards the windows which he threw open, breathing in the fresh air.

Nonsense, if he didn't want you, if you were a one night stand, you'd be long gone, he'd have kicked you out as soon as possible. Sebastian felt a small smile as another, much kinder voice whispered.

Anyway, I shouldn't think about it too much, stop over thinking and enjoy the moment. Sebastian then gave a nod to nobody in particular when the door opened. Arms wrapped around his waist and a soft open mouthed kiss was set onto the base of his neck. Sebastian bit his lip then.

"I wish I could cuddle you back to sleep but, I'm going to be late, " Sebastian nodded and turned, keeping his mouth shut. Matt flashed a dazzling smile before Sebastian widened his eyes at the pressure added to his groin. He flushed, his eyes closing and he bowed his head down. Sebastian pushed his hand away and shook his head before grabbing Matt's wrist and pulling him towards the bathroom. Matt laughed gleefully and offered him a toothbrush.

Sebastian cleaned his mouth with a roll in his eye.

"What happened to 'I'm going to be late'? "Matt laughed again before dropping his boxers, giving Sebastian a big eye full.  Sebastian swallowed." How did thag get in? "He mumbled, his mouth covered in toothpaste, gapping at the member dangling between Matt's legs who laughed harder, his cheeks stained red.

"You are so adorable." He claimed before hopping into the shower.

Sebastian stared at his fit ass the entire way, wondering if Matt would ever allow him to eat it. Sebastian stared at his reflection, cheeks painted red, and eyes shining.

"Wow, you are thirsty, "he giggled before a bark answered from the other side of the door.


Sebastian threw back the anti-depression pills and downed a bottle of water. He sighed as he stared at the bottle, feeling as though he could throw up. Evan sat calmly at the kitchen table and Sally sat right at his feet by the kitchen basin, looking up at him and wagging his tail happily.

Each time he took his medication he thought of Peter and how he had driven him to depression and it only strengthened the hatred in his heart towards the man, but he shoved the feeling down, choosing to think of Matt and feel happy.

"So, he cooks, has his own place, a stable job, a pet, and he is sexy... Why haven't you married him yet? "Sebastian rolled his eyes at his inlaw.

"Don't be ridiculous, Evan." He said leading Sally and him to the living room. "It isn't like that, we aren't even boyfriends."  He sat down, his eyes cast down and staring at Sally. Evan handed him a glass of wine, Sebastian took it gratefully.

"Do you want to be? "Sebastian found himself smiling a bit and Evan cooed at him." You so cute! Acting like a teenager and all. " Sebastian raised a brow at him and Evan blushed.

"He just... It's been a while." Sebastian admitted. "I don't know if it's the fact that I haven't had a man pay attention to me or just him, but, I liked it..." Sebastian bit his lip then in fear.

"It's okay, you know? "Evan comforted with a smile." You deserve to be happy, to feel this way. "He grinned.

"But I'm scared..." Sebastian uttered after a short pause. "What if... What if he doesn't really want to be with me like, really be with me." He said shyly and Evan took his hand.

"What could possibly make him not what that? "Evan said.

"A lot of things..." Evan rolled his eyes.

"Don't be an idiot. I say you enjoy yourself and allow for the chips to just, fall into place. " Sebastian nodded, biting his lip with a shy smile. Then Evan sucked on his finger and poked it into his ear. Sebastian shrieked and flew away from him.

"Ugh, you suck." Sebastian said with a pout, rubbing his ear.

"You bet I do?! "Evan grinned, laughing gleefully." Speaking of suck, I have a bit of that to do soon. "Sebastian scowled at him.

"I swear, you two love to just fuck." Evan pointed a finger.

"It isn't fucking, we never do that, we, "He looks off into a distance." We make love. " Sebastian rolled his eyes." Oh, but there was this one time in the mens bathroom of our favourite restaurant, that was hot. " Sebastian sat up, his face a picture of absolute shock.

"You sick sexy perve." The two fell in fits of giggles, talking about nonsense before watching a movie.

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