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Sebastian groaned as he woke. He had no time to admire the softness that was the surface he slept on,nor could he process the fact that he wasn't at home. All he could think was how awful the headache he had was,how badly his mouth taste and how he really just wanted to shower.

"Darn it!" He whimpered and covered his face,trying to breathe.

"Ah,you are up," a baritone came which caused him to frown and freeze as he tried to make sense of what was happening and who was speaking. "Here,this should help." At this,Sebastian was stopped from panicking and thinking the worst of himself.

He looked over to see an anvil and water set down on the side table. He slowly got up feeling rather self conscious and queazy.

As he drank up,he sighed and closed his eyes.

"Thank you," he said lowly before looking up to see the handsome face,"Mr.Hain." he sounded shocked and he was rather confused as he sat up in the bed. He looked around and noticed he was not at home,nor at Matt's place. His brows furrowed as he was sure he'd texted his boyfriend. "I'm at your house,aren't I?" 

"Please,call me Frank." He said gently crouching down. "Now,I've told your brother where you are,he should come get you soon,okay?" Sebastian found himself nodding while he blinked slowly,trying to find what happened. He promised himself then and there he would be staying away from wine and any alcoholic drinks.

"Okay." He nodded again.

"Now,I have dinner made,join us?" Sebastian rubbed his eye.

"Us?" Frank stood and smiled and for a moment,Sebastian could see Matt in his blue eyes.

"My daughter and I." Sebastian rose his brows.

"I see," he swallowed and looked down at himself. "I don't think that is a good idea." Frank rolled his eyes at him.

"Don't be foolish." He chuckled and held his hand towards him. Sebastian hesitated then but took it

"I probably smell right now." He said shyly,a pink tint on his cheeks.

Frank leaned over him,further making him blush and hummed.

"Like cherry." He smiled and Sebastian found himself absolutely captivated by the man. He looked down and shook his head.

They entered a dining room and a girl with black hair looked up,her eyes a deep grey and she smiled widely at Sebastian. She looked about 14.

"Hello," she said charmingly and Sebastian smiled shyly at her.

"Hi," he greeted and took a seat.

"I'm Annabel, but you can call me Anna, or Bel." She grinned at him.

"Nice to meet you Anna." Sebastian grinned at the child.

"You are really handsome,are you my dad's boyfriend?" Sebastian swallowed harshly and coughed,his brows risen.

"W-what? Me? No." He rushed out shaking his head. The girl looked disappointed.

"Oh,that's a shame then,you seem nice." She smiled beautifully. Sebastian glanced at Frank who looked apologetic.

"Let's eat,shall we?" Sebastian looked down at his plate, he began serving himself what was laid out on the table,Greek salad,mashed potatoes and steak. Sebastian ate to his satisfaction,everything was simple but delicious. The meal consisted of much conversation flowing between Anna and Sebastian. Mostly,it was Sebastian asking her questions about her school,friends and she happily obliged. Sebastian discovered that she was a dancer and attended classes every day after school and on Saturdays too. She liked school and preferred English class to math. She was a pleasant young girl and her best friend was a cat named Adam.

"Thank you,for the food." He said politely unsure of how he could act in front of his brothers business partner and not to mention his boyfriends cousin.

"No problem," Frank said standing and collecting the plates.

"Yeah,you should join us more often." Anna beamed at him.

"I'd like that,"he said honestly."Let me help with that," he began picking up the bowls and felt oddly domesticated,but it was nice. He recalled how in his marriage, he never once did any house work because Peter thought it was unattractive and had hired people to do it for them. Sebastian shook his head,not wanting to continue thinking of the man who left him.

"So, how are things with you and Mat?" Frank asked his lightly as they emptied the leftovers into the trash.

"Great," Sebastian asked smiling like a teenage girl. "He's really amazing,and kind. " Sebastian bit his lip thinking about him,finally the feeling of missing him was very present.

"He speaks very fondly of you." Frank admitted and Sebastian looked up at him.

"Really?" He found himself overjoyed. It was weird how the simplest of words could make a person feel so much love.

"Very." Frank sighed,"I'm sorry if my daughter made you uncomfortable with the question. She meant no harm,I promised. She just wishes I would get out there as she puts it." Frank chuckled.

"No,it was...sudden,but I know she's didn't mean to put me on the spot or anything." Sebastian clarified. Frank nodded pleased. "So,where is her mom? If you don't mind me asking?"

"She's...around. I try to keep their interaction to a bare minimum." Sebastian tilted his head to the side as they loaded the dishwasher. Frank glanced at him and sighed. "She is a drug addict and is involved with the wrong kind of people. I don't want that influencing Anna. I have full custody,but I do allow her to call Anna and see her but only while I'm around so she doesn't try anything." Frank  took a deep breath. "But these days, I realise Anna doesn't want anything to do with her mother. She said it's nothing but I know that the last time they spoke,she said something and now Anna never wants to hear from her again. I still don't know what it is though."

"Oh," Sebastian winced. "That is rough."

"Yeah,but,we get through it. I think she really just wants another parent. Even if it's a daddy," Frank smirked at him and Sebastian furrowed his brows. He wasn't sure if he should ask but Frank seemed to sense his assumptions. "I am bisexual." Sebastian nodded slowly.

"Right." Frank laughed at the males apparent embarrassment.

"So, what shall we do while we wait?" Sebastian blew air from his nose and opened his mouth to suggest he just leave when a loud honk came. Both of them turned as they heard a car door slam and they made their way to the front door which was soon banged on so harshly,Sebastian jumped.

"Oh,dear,someone is not happy." Sebastian hadn't seen it but Frank held a pretty devilish smirk,before opening the door to reveal a rather furious Matt.

"Matt!" Sebastian cheered in happiness to seeing his boyfriend. It felt like years since they had been near one another and Sebastian, ignoring the glare on his boyfriends face,leaped into his arms.

"I missed you so much!" Sebastian said into his chest,breathing in the cologne only Matt used. He felt at home,safe as if nothing could go wrong.

"Yeah,sure." Matt said,his voice cold and Sebastian pulled away having only heard him sound so cold for the first time.

"Matt? You okay?" Matt finally looked at him and Sebastian frowned at the hostile look in his eye.

"Never better." He turned around after one look towards Frank. "Let's go," he said and headed for the car.

Sebastian was utterly confused at the sudden cold shoulder he was receiving. He had done nothing wrong,had he? He couldn't understand what he could have possibly done to deserve such harsh treatment from his boyfriend but he knee he would find out one way or another.

"Uhm...thanks,again,Frank." Sebastian swallowed and licked his lips. "I'll.. Uh..see you around,I guess."

"Be safe,Sebastian." Frank said smiling sadly at him. Sebastian ignored the way Frank purred out his name and marched towards Matt who was fuming in the drivers seat.

Sebastian got in and as the drive began, Matt made it loud and clear he didn't want to talk as he blasted the radio as Sebastian opened his mouth. If anything,Sebastian wanted to curl up on his bed and cry his heart out.

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