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To say he was huge would be an understatement, as much as Sebastian wanted Matt inside of him, he also worried that he might not even fit, and considering how long it's beem since he's had anyone inside of him, he knew for sure, this would not be a walk in the park. Yet, then again, he was so horny for Matt that he also didn't care, didn't mind that he could be left paralysed. And boy, did he not mind.

"You have such a pretty mouth. "Matt commented just as he had successfully discarded Sebastian's pants, leaving him im his birthday suit as well." So pretty, "he planted a kiss on him then before hoisting him up onto the bed properly." I want to ride your face. "He was talking dirty and Sebastian loved it.

His body buzzed and his cock twitched. He wanted whatever Matt wanted and mabye even more. Sebastian groaned as Matt ran his thumb over his slit.

"I'm going to ride your face, baby, and make you choke on this cock. " Matt growled, pushing him flat on his back.

"Fuck," Sebastian groaned then as Matt crawled up, next thing he knew, Sebastian was face to cock and he definitely wanted it in his mouth.

Sebastian opened his mouth allowing Matt to slil in the large male organ into his slippery opening. Matt groaned above him, his hips pushing gently against his face. Sebastian moaned at the salty taste of flesh before sucking ln the head, dipping his tongue into the slit and adding pressure which he could tell Matt loved.

He put as much of it as he could in his mouth and Matt grabbed onto his hair.

"That feels so good, "he moaned, thrusting with surprise, Sebastian didn't gag, though and instead took it like a pro. He bobbed his head, allowing the man meat to hit the back of his throat each time and listen to Matt's praises." Such a good cock sucker, so good. Fuck! " Sebastian glanced up to see Matt gapping with his eyes closed before Sebastian felt his mouth grow empty. He hated to admit it, but he loved sucking the man's cock and he wanted to do it again. Matt smiled at him, his appendage dripping with pre-cum, Sebastian leaned forward and caught it in his mouth.

"Shit. "Matt cursed before slamming his lips onto Sebastian's redder, more moist ones. They hummed against one another, Matt settling between Sebastian's open legs. Matt ground his hips into Sebastian's, rocking against him, his wet man mean making it easy to slide against the attractive older man. "I'm going to f*ck you so good." He growled to Sebastian who moaned in reply and met Matt thrust for thrust. Matt sucked on two of his fingers.

"Please do! "Sebastian said arching then as he felt Matt's talented fingers slip down to his wanton hole. He felt the probing and bit his lip as a finger managed to slip through. He groaned as it moved rather fast, there was no easing into it, he could tell as the second entered and he buckled into Matt's hand with desperation. It felt so damn good to be penetrated even just by the two fingers, he wanted to cum.

Matt bit into his neck, groaning as he continued grinding their cocks together.

"I need..."Sebastian panted, digging his nails into Matt's sweaty and muscled back. "Inside," He groaned as a third dry finger was forced into him, pushing deeper into him, forcing his walls to open and stretch.

"Me too, baby, me too. "Matt panted against him, kissing him again with fervour. He reached onto the bedside for a condom and lube. He knelt between his legs, Sebastian watched panting, his ass clenching and unclenching, his man meat twitching and dripping.

Matt slipled the condom on properly, adding more lube to the slippery rubber and to Sebastian's hole, it was cool against their skin and Sebastian's moaned as it reminded him of wax playing with Peter. He shook his head, scolding himself, it was impolite to think of another man when another was about read to render his bottom half paralysed for a while.

Matt positioned himself biting his lip. "Such a nice ass." He groaned and Sebastian loved it, he would have never guessed how dirty Matt could be.

Gently at first, the fat mushroom head slipped and Sebastian groaned, his ass clenching before he urged himself to relax. It had really been too long because he could feel himself about ready to burst. He moaned loudly then as he felt himself being stretched wide. He hissed in pain but Matt didn't waver, he pushed on, his eyes tightly shut, his mouth gapping and his tongue sticking out.

"So tight,"He groaned, "So good." He moaned, holding onto Sebastian's thighs, pushing them farther apart. Sebastian cried out then, breathing heavily as Matt settled in, having gone as deep as he could. "Fuck!" Matt bent down and places soft kisses over Sebastian's sweating face. He kissed his lips repeatedly, Sebastian sighed, trying to get used to the invasion. He groaned as his ass clenched around the large member and Matt moaned, his lip twitching before he began to gently rock against him. "You feel so good around me, Sebastian, so nice and warm and tight, fuck, I could be here all night and day."

He pulled out a bit and pushed back in. Sebastian winced, breathing heavily, it was painful, but it still felt so good.

"You make me so full. "He groaned digging his nails into Matt's back who moaned.

"So good." they both seemed so lost in their own worlds of pleasure and soon, there wasn't much pain amd the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping skin, moans amd groans, pleads and dirty dirty words. Matt was relentless, going hard and fast groaning and calling him a sexy boy, he was so overwhelmed with pleasure, he couldn't stop, only pausing to geind into that sweet sweet spot which had Sebastian seeing starts and speaking in tongues.

Sebastian was close, he could feel it and the hand tightening around his hard and purple member was making it hard to come. He yelles out profanities and begged for release. Soon they both shouted their relief to the heavens, Sebastian's warm jizz covered his chest and Matt emptied himself into the condom but refused to exit the warm and tight ass of the older man, instead he rocked against him, humming and licked at the man's chest with a moan.

"That... Was unexpected. "Sebastian commented after and Matt couldn't help laugh, his cheeks warm.

"And I'm not done yet." He pulled out and took the condom off before getting another one. Sebastian widened his eyes.

"You really want to leave me paralysed. " the room filles with laughter before Sebastian gapped as his cock was engulfed by a wet and warm mouth." Oh, boy. "

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