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Matt ~I just wanna have you in my arms.  

Sebastian smiled shyly at his phone while he was on the elevator of hia brothers building. He could just imagine the pout on Matt's cute lips and this caused for him to bite his lip.
Seb ~ oh, someone if flirty this morning... :P

He held his breath for a message which came instantly, he felt so young, so free and it made him giddy.

Matt ~ How can I not? I didn't see you yesterday! I could have died!  D':

Seb ~ But you didn't.

Matt ~ I COULD have, you bum.

Seb ~ Is so sexy!

Matt ~ Oh, that is mighty true. I just want it on my face.

Matt ~ And I wanna just eat it to my hearts content.

Sebastian felt his entire warm as he read over the words. He bit his lip, the thoughts of Matthew's face between his cheeks,he had to cross his legs and clench his eyes shut, hoping the woman beside him didn't suspect any foul play.

Matt ~ I salivate at the thought of how sweet you must taste, my gorgeous sugar cube.

Sebastian smiled widely, his large hand covered his face as he shook his head, trying to gain control of himself.

Seb ~ someone is such a bad boy this morning.

Seb ~ aren't you supposed to be working? Your boss won't appreciate you trying to sext while on the clock.

Matt ~ You are so cute, booboo.

Matt ~ But, if it worries you, I could never get in trouble, the boss is family.

Seb ~ Special treatment, I see how it is. Father?

Matt ~ Don't be ridiculous, #FacePalm.  He's my cousin, he adores me, yes, but he does not hesitate to chew my balls off.

Seb ~ Hey! Those balls are for me to chew alone, he better step off.

Matt ~ you are so funny, booboo, I'ma keep texting you from now on, you so gangsta.

Seb ~ #Eyeroll I told you not to call me booboo, I will beat your ass, and FYI,  I am ALWAYS gangsta.

Matt ~ Woohooo!  #SnapsForYou,  now I wanna sing for you!  Ok, I'm going to call but let it go to voice mail

Seb ~ You are such a bum sucking bleh.

Matt ~ But I'm YOUR bum sucking bleh.  (^_-)

Sebastian stepped into the hall with a laugh, his brothers new Secretary gave him a weird look which he answered by sticking his tongue out at the younger male who raised a brow before shaking his head. Sebastian glanced down as his phone rang and he let it go to voice mail, excitement buzzing through him as he sae his brother exit his office with a smirk.

"Someone got some! "Christopher commented and Sebastian rolled his eyes." That's a relief, now you can relax and let loose. "He chuckled handing a few files to his secretary who had a sort of love struck look on his face.

"What a beautiful way to say hello, twirp." Christopher scowled.

"I'm older. "

"But tiny," I pouted and pressed my fingers together at him.

"This, this is abuse. "

"Uh-huh, sure it is, wow, when Evan isn't around you sure are whiny." Sebastian shook his head and Christopher blanched.

"Asshat. "Christopher scoffed.

"Sorrh, what was that," He held his hand lver his ear, "Couldn't hear you there."  Christopher rolled his eyes and pushed him slightly.

"Anyway, I will be a bit late, I have a meeting, you mind waiting? " Sebastian shook his head with a smile hoping to go back to his texting.

"No problem." Christopher paused and looked at him.

"Something ain't right, you hate waiting. " Sebastian got ready to answer him with something cheeky when the elevator bell chimed and a group of men emerged in suits. Sebastian turned and froze.

It wasn't the fact that the men looked straight out of a Forbes magazine or how devilishly handsome they all were, it was the man in front, the one who walked as though everyone was beneath him, and as if he had a God given right to everything. The man was simply sex on legs.

Shit. Sebastian thought as suddenly his mouth was dry and his palms were sweaty. The man ahead smirked, his devine clear blue eyes which almost seemed silver traveled down his entire body and Sebastian felt as though there was a hold he had over him. His hair was black and shiny, combed back and his suit was a pale, pale blue which matched his eyes and he had no tie, instead the three buttons above were open.

"Mr. Hain, this is Sebastian, my brother, Sebastian, Mr. Hain. " Christopher introduced while I stared up at this insanely large man, he wasn't overly muscled but he was so tall and lean, Sebastian had to crane his neck. The man grabbed his hand and instead of shaking it, Mr. Hain bent down and placed tender and lingering kiss which left Sebastian speechless, until he saw a familiar face.

Sebastian's eyes widened in surprise before he pulled away from Mr. Hain.

"Sorry, uh... Nice to meet you. "The man's eyes trained on him then and Sebastian looked back at the one face he should be wanting to drool over and drooling over period.

Matt gave him a small faint smile. Sebastian walked around the tall boss man, making a bee line to Matt who smile brightly before Sebastian did the unthinkable and pulled him forward by his collar and planting his lips firmly onto Matt's shocked yet eager lips.

"Oh, well this is a surprise. "

Sebastian pulled away and smiled briefly before patting Matt's collar.

"Hi," he whispered his greeting shyly and Matt gave a breathless reply. "See you around." Sebastian said then before turning to his brother who smirked and he could tell that he was in for quite the interrogation later, Mr. Hain, however seemed intrigued, amused and slightly aroused, Sebastian chose to ignore the latter.

"Well, I'd hate to keep your meeting waiting, so, on you go. " Sebastian nervously made a shooing gesture.

The men proceeded down the hall, leaving Sebastian with his thoughts and a very desperate and spiteful Secretary.

"Slut." the boy coughed and Sebastian once again stuck his tongue out at him.

"At least, I'm getting some, can't say the same for you, now can I."

Matt found himself glancing back at Sebastian with a soft love sick smile before he felt a light tap on his shoulder, he glanced up to see his cousin Frank, smirking at him. Matt scowled at the man.

"He's kind of cute, "he commented," I can mlst definitely see the appeal. "Matt watched as Frank turned around to glance as they turned a corner and entered a room." A very nice ass, too. " Matt paused at the door, glaring at his cousin, hoping that it would kill him.

You can't look at what's mine, sickface.  He thought possesively, a burning desire to say it out loud. He's mine. He hoped that as they made eye contact, his cousin would see to back off, instead, he could see as clear as day that the older man was already planning something and he didn't like it.

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