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A light blush coated his cheeks as he sat facing Ms. Berri who had a wide happy smile.

"It is progress. "She stated and Sebastian pouted.

"But maybe it is too fast." Ms. Berri chuckled.

"Sebastian, "he turned to her." It has been two years and your ex has already moved on, I'm not saying you have to be over it, I'm just saying you need not think that it's too soon or too fast. Go with the flow if you will. You are an adult, if you feel you don't like how it's going you have the right to put on the brakes. "She explained gently and Sebastian bit his lip." Do you want to put on the brakes? "

"No!" He said rather fast, he flushed. "Uh, I mean, not yet. I suppose." he cleared his throat and Ms. Berri grinned.

"It is only natural to want companionship and you are not getting younger. "Sebastian scowled at her.

"He certainly doesn't think so." He huffed and she giggled.

"Now, I believe this is the real Sebastian. "She commented and Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her before rolling them.

"Whatever." He huffed and stood. "Time seems to just fly, doesn't it?" He mused to himself as he headed for the door. "And, thank you, Berri." He grinned.

"Call me Sarah. "Sebastian chuckled.

"See you later then, Sarah."

"Tell your boyfriend hi! "She said and he groaned.

"He's not my boyfriend." He grumbled.


Sebastian walked down the side walk, feeling like a new man. He grinned to himself as he thought of Matt and their time together. He noted how much more comfortable he was with him, especially after the kiss. Looking back one would say they were together instead of just friends. He admitted to himself that he liked the sound of being his boyfriend. He paused as he thought.

"Are we boyfriends? "He wondered allowed just as a young teenage boys had walked passed. The teenager paused to look at him in surprise. Sebastian flushed and gave an embarrassed smile." Sorry, "he said and walked away.

He shook his head and thought that it would be best to go with the flow as the good doctor had told him and see how things go without the pressure of a title they probably weren't sure about.

Sebastian paused as the familiar ringtone filters through his ears. He smiled and fished through his pocket for his cell, hw beamed at the caller id before answering.

"So, How do you feel about me cooking you dinner? "Sebastian chuckled and shook his head.

"I wouldn't be opposed to that as long as it isn't my kitchen your burning down." Sebastian joked.

"Ah, you wound me, babe, I am not a bad cook, ok? My uncle is a chef he taught me all I know. "Sebastian grinned as he crossed the street after looking left and right.

"As convincing as that sounds, I would rather see for myself."

"I take that as a yes then? "Sebastian found himself humming before he began to nod happily.

"Sure, why not?"

"I knew you wouldn't say no. "Sebastian looked up at the restaurant and paused.

"Well someone is getting conceited."

"Only with you. "Sebastian laughed.

"I have to go now." Matt whined and Sebastian could just feel his pout.

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