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It wasn't easy, not in the slightest. Sebastian squirmed under the intense gaze of his companion for the night. He avoided eye contact which cause a light dusted pink blush to stain his cheeks. It had been so long since he went out with someone other than Christopher, Evan, Keanan and Augustus. It was the first time he'd gone out with someone showing romantic interest really.

"Am I making you uncomfortable? "He asked smoothly and Sebastian's blush deepened as he shook his head.

"Sorry, I'm just...not used to this kind of thing." Matt furrowed his brows in question.

"On a date? I would imagine someone as handsome as yourself having someone begging for a date every day, in fact, I expected you to have been spoken for, "Matt smiled smoothly and Sebastian only stared at him, his stomach doing a flip." I'm glad you aren't, by the way. "Sebastian let out a soft, breathless chuckle.

"I used to be spoken for." Matt leaned forward and opened his mouth to speak when their waiter approached.

"May I get you some wine? "The younger man asked batting his lashes at both men.

"I'll just have water," Sebastian said.

"Diet coke. Thank you. "Sebastian rose a single brow to which Matt smiled dazzlingly.

"So, may I ask why you are no longer spoken for?" Sebastian bit his lip before letting out a sigh. He began from the beginning figuring it is best the handsome young man knew the truth about him.

"I was married at one point in my life. I thought we were happy, i was happy anyway. "Sebastian had a small sad smile playing on his lips as he reminded himself of how happy he once was." His name is Peter and he was my brothers best friend. We met each other at a young age and fell in love. I've never known any other man romantically, to be honest. I fell in love with him way before we got together. We dated for a few years before he proposed. "Sebastian frowned." Just two years ago, he filed for a divorce while my brother was in hospital and his cousin who had been involved with my brothers now husband passed tragically. I thought it was a phase, he'd come back you know? That he was just hurt with the passing of his favourite family member and just needed some space. He never came back. Not for me anyway. "Matt sat forward, Sebastian flushed at the intense attention.

"I must say, his lose is my gain." Sebastian felt another blush come on as Matt gave him a bright dimpled smile.

"Are you ready to order? "The waiter came back, Sebastian smiled and leaned back and took a sip of his water to cool down. They ordered and Sebastian had to admit, it was nice to have another man's attention.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself?" Sebastian asked getting comfortable in his seat. They had been eating and joking around and having an all round fantastic timw together but Sebastian had yet to really know about the mysteriously handsome young man. Sebastian still couldn't get over the fact that the man looked younger than he might.

"What do you want to know? "Sebastian squinted his eyes at him as he played with the ice of his water.

"Your family." Sebastian stated and Matt leaned forward. Sebastian took note how close their hands which lay on the table were to touching. He smiled sweetly at Matt.

"Hmm, well, I am an only child. My parents and I, I could say we are okay although I am more close to my mother than my father."

"Why is that?" Sebastian stopped playing with the ice and leaned forward, his chin resting on his palm.

"Well, I've know since I was say 17 that I preferred men and when I told my father we just kind of drifted apart. He wasn't so happy that his only son was gay, he didn't hit me for it or anything, I guess it just made him uncomfortable." Sebastian nodded slowly. "I'm just grateful he didn't kick me out. My mother was more accepting of me, I guess she just always suspected, but she told me that I could swear to never love and she'd still love me. My dad although distant, he always showed me he cared, it's the little things you know. "Matt smiled a small smile and Sebastian couldn't keep himself from taking hold of the other man's hand.

"The fact that they love you is all that matters."

"Couldn't have said it better myself. "They laughed joyfully as the night grew old.

"I'm sorry, but we are closing." Sebastian and Matt looked up in shock at the waiter who bit his lip awkwardly. They looked around and turned to one another and laughing.

"We will be on our way, can we have the check then? "The waiter smiled and handed it to them." Came prepared. "The waiter chuckled. Sebastian offered to pay for half to with Matt snorted. Sebastian pouted." I asked you out, next time, when you ask me then you can pay. " Sebastian could see the underlined message. Matt actually wanted to see him again and that alone caused his heart to jump.

They walked side by side in the cool might air. Sebastian basked in the joyous feeling inside of him. He hadn't forgotten his first love but that didn't mean that he couldn't learn to forget him.

"I had a really good night, Sebastian. " Matt commented and and Sebastian flushed.

"Me too." Then, looking up at the handsome fellow beside him, he felt his large warm hand intertwine with his. He blushed and turned away. "Hehe," he chuckled nervously only to be brought to a stop. He was turned to face Matt who stared into his eyes and Sebastian was transfixed.

"I can see you again, right? "Sebastian found himself nodding as he stared down at the juicy pink lips which pulled up into a smile. He looked back at his eyes to see them lit with joy." Come, I'll take you home. "


"I'm going to call you." Sebastian laughed at his cuteness and turned to open his door.

"I'm sure you will, Matthew. "Sebastian said turning the key.

"I'm serious, I'm going to call you once I'm home then I'm going to stay on the line until you fall asleep." Sebastian turned to Matt who smiled. "I'm a creep like that."

"Extremely, I think I should call the cops just in case. "Matt tilted his head, his eyes shining with amusement.

"That would be safer, for you perhaps, but it would go against me so, no, do not do that." Sebastian couldn't help the small laugh which left him.

"Good night, Mathew. " The man pouted.

"But I don't want to." He said like a five year old. Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest.

"But if you don't, I won't get my beauty sleep. "Matt sighed dramatically.

"Oh, you are right, beauty like yours needs much rest." He raised his hand to his forehead. "Oh, the sorrowful pain of letting thy rest. But alas, it must be. I bid the a good night." Matt bowed and Sebastian giggled. They wrapped their arms around each other. Sebastian rose to thr tips of his toes and Mathew leaned down a bit and wrapped his arms around his waist. Sebastian inhaled the intoxicating cologne which made him stifle a moan. It felt so good to have another man in his arms.

"I'm still going to call. "Sebastian laughed and pulled away from the grinning man.

"Good night." Sebastian stepped back into his house and closed the door. He let out a happy sigh shaking his head and he chuckled. It the two years of being romantically alone, he felt happy and content.

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