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Sebastian was anxious, he had gone home to take a nap and shower before going over to Matt and as he stood outside the door, he couldn't help but bit his lip and play with his fingers. He tried to sort through his thoughts, finding his words so he couldn't end up giving him the wrong message. As the door opened, however, Matt stood before him, shirtless and sleepy eyed and Sebastian's mouth fell open and all the words vanished.

"Oh, hey, "Matt gave him a toothy smile while rubbing at his eyes. Sebastian only blinked, staring at the rock hard abs, trailing down to the younger mans V line and he felt his heart stutter as he glanced at the shorts with a rather noticeable bulge. Looking back up, Sebastian flushed and he lunged unable to control himself.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around Matt's neck, and hurriedly, catching the sleepy man off guard, he stuck their lips together in a heated kiss. Sebastian moaned as soon as he felt Matt's soft yet rough lips against his own. He was hoisted up and he wrapped his legs around Matt's waist and he groaned when he felt his hands roughly grab his ass.

The door shut behind him and suddenly he was pressed up against it and he was devoured. Matt pressed himself further into them, getring rid lf any space between them. Sebastian loved it. They pulled apart and he swallowed, breathing heavily when suddenly his neck was attacked with great enthusiasm. He moaned, throwing his head back to give Matt more room while he sifted his fingers into Matt's hair, tugging gently.

"Matt... "Sebastian let out in a weak whisper couples with a moan when suddenly there was a bark. Sebastian smiled weakly as Matt groaned into his neck.

"It's like having a baby." Sebastian chuckles even though his heart squeezed as he thought of his brother and his husband. He shook his head thougb, he wouldn't think about them, they would sort themselves out, he didn't need to worry much because he knew how inlove they were and that was enough.

"Hello, Sally. "Sebastian cooed while still holding tightly onto Matt. His body seemed to refuse him from letting go and Matt wasn't complaining so he didn't make any action to move, instead, just laid his head on Matt's shoulder while the younger man just chuckled, adjusting him before moving away from the door towards the living room. Sally barked after them, sniffing at Sebastian's shoes the whole way. Sebastian giggled at her as she rose on her hind legs to try and paw at them but they were moving, making it hard to do but that seemed to only encourage the adorable canine.

Sebastian giggled as Matt threw him onto the couch before straddling him. Sebastian stared up at Matt who grinned.

"I missed you, "Matt said with a pout while poking Sebastian's side who flinches with a smile.

"Oh yeah?" Sebastian teased and Matt began to poke him some more and Sebastian couldn't help but burst intl a fit of laughter as Matt continued to tickle him. Sally barked at them before jumping up onto the couch wanting to join in on the fun and wanting attention on her.

She tackled Matt from behind and Matt laughed, Sebastian and his face inches apart.

"Someone's lonely. "Matt said wiggling his eyebrows before peeking Sebastian on the cheek and attempting to turn and stand. He sat up, shifting to allow Sebastian to do the same amd began to pet Sally. He cooed lovingly at her, offering kisses and complimenting her, the canine licked his face happily, enjoying the attention and Sebastian grinned, beginning to do the same.

Sebastian couldn't help watch though, as Sally ran to get a ball and offering it to Matt who beamed. It was a beautiful sight as the two best friends just played. Matt would throw the ball down the hall and she'd bark and fetch it, half way she'd tackle Matt to the ground and lick him half to death. Matt's laugh, Sebastian couldn't help but love. He wanted to hear it all the time, he thought to himself how he'd probably be able to spend hours just listening to him laugh. Then he was tackled and he giggled as the canine attempted to wash him.

"Sally! "He whined gleefully. Matt laughed then, pulling her away.

"Movie?" Matt asked as Sally just laid across his lap then.

"Sure. "Sebastian agreed.


Two movies later, Sebastian was glancing at Matt. He had to admit that non of them had his attention. He only wanted to look at Matt, admire him and he'd never grow tired. Matt took thw remote with a sigh and turned the movie off and turned to him.

"Okay, what is wrong? "Matt asked, a apark of worry in his eye and Sebastian smiled shaking his head.

"Nothing is wrong." He admitted and Matt crept closer to him, there had been just a bit of space between them. Matt ran his hand across his cheek with a frown.

"Are you sure? "he asked softly, searching his eye and Sebastian bit his lip.

"I...uh, actually, I wanted to ask you something." Matt nodded worriedly.

"Anything. "

"Would you...I mean, I don't expecr you to want to, but... Would you like to boyfriend?" Sebastian swallowed, looking away from Matt and instead looking at his hands ans fiddling with them while biting dowm own his bottom lip. His heart squeezed and he felt as if it had jumped all the way up to his throat.

"I would love to... "Matt said and Sebastian snapped his head up." I mean, if your sure that it... "Matt bit his lip with a blush amd Sebastian laughed softly.

"I'm sure." Matt seemed to relax more, the worry out of his eyes.

"I actually wanted to ask you. "Matt admitted," I just wasn't sure when it would be the right time. "He chuckled scratching the back of his head." Also, I was afraid you'd say no. "Sebastian laughed lightly.

"Well, I wouldn't have..." They laughed awkwardly and suddenly Matt seemed so shy.

"So, what now? "The question was so innocent, so genuine and he looked like a child who wasn't sure if he was allowed to play and really badly wanted to play. Sebastian's heart was excitedly beating within his chest, and as nervous as he was, he told himself to relax, that they were boyfriends now and he could do whatever he wanted without worry that it was too much or that Matt didn't want to do it.

"Now, "He said sitting up onto his knees and placing himself onto Matt's lap, he grabbed the remote, loving how Matt's eyes were fixed on him the whole time." We cuddle while finishing your movie. " He chuckled and Matt beamed and pulled him closer.

"Sounds like a plan." Matt grinned, his arms tightly wrapped around his waist. Sebastian cuddled into Matt's chest and reached for his phone.

Seb~ I have a boyfriend!!  He sent with an excited giggle.

Evan~ Congratulations, you gace him the D, didn't you?  :p

Seb~ you disgust me sometimes.

Evan~ Sure I do... I need D now.

Seb~ Eeeewwwwww.

Sebastian tossed his phone to the side and sighed happily when he felt Matt's hand beneath his shirt, caressing his sides. It was comforting and nothing sexual was intended but Sebastian shivered pleasantly and instead of watching the movie, he buried his nose in Matt's neck and closed his eyes.

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