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Sebastian was giddy. He was just so over the moon and joy consumed him to a point where nobody could do wrong.

He lay on Matt's naked chest, on the couch with a beaming smile. He traced the soft dark hairs on the younger males chest, his ear planted so that he could hear his steady heartbeat. It soothed him, and he snuggled further into Matt's warm embrace. They were touching from head to toe.

"Stop moving. "it came in a mumble but Sebastian heard it loud and clear, he giggled then as Matt rolled them so that he was on top of Sebastian. He covered him completely and Sebastian giggled helplessly. Matt groaned and settled between Sebastian's legs. Sebastian's giggles ceased almost instantly as he felt the large member pressed firmly against his own. He swallowed, suddenly feeling hot and his skin prickled.

Matt seemed to purr and rub his cheek against Sebastian who tried not to move and whose face was as red as a tomato.

"Um... Matt? "Sebastian said flustered, in a whisper. Matt only hummed, his hips rotating slowly. Sebastian's eyes fluttered and he let out a breathless moan at the growing fire in his groin. He grabbed onto Matt's bicep." Oh... "Matt started to rock against him, back and forth, he grinded their lower regions together, adding friction and fuel to the already growing fire in Sebastian who could not help but close his eyes and wrap his leg around Matt's waist, pulling him closer. Sebastian moaned deeply and Matt groaned.

Wet lingering kisses were placed up and down his neck, a large hand slipped between them and down his boxers. Sebastian gasped then as Matt took hold of his member. His hips bucked and he moaned, his fingers digging into Matt's arm.

He was stroked, from the base to the tip and he arched, his head thrown back as Matt sucked on his neck, leaving a bright red hickey on him. Claiming hi. For all to see.

"Matt..." Sebastian whimpered as Matt paid close attention to his tip. Sebastian threaded his hands through the young mans hair,a small smile made it's way onto his lips as pure joy erupted in her heart. Matt trailed kisses down his chest and soon his boxers were halfway down his thighs and Sebastian gapped as a warm,wet tongue found his slit and his entire cock was covered.

He arched in absolute bliss as Matt went to town on him. Bobbing his head up and down,each time deeper than the last. Sebastian could hardly think straight as Matt kept still,the cock down his throat for a moment and Sebastian couldn't help but shiver.

Matt hummed around him before pulling off and began jerking him off. Sebastian thrust his hips into his hand,his brows furrowed as a familiar knot made itself known in his stomach. He gapped as he let go and cum covered Matt's chest.

"Oh...oh,yes..." Sebastian sang softly. Matt came up and mashed their lips together,swallowing Sebastian's cries of euphoria. Their tongues clashes,massaging one another and Sebastian pulled him closer but his hair,his body warm and buzzing. They pulled apart slowly,eyes still closed.

"You are so beautiful," Matt mumbled and Sebastian opened his eyes to find Matt admiring him. He felt himself heat up at the sight alone and a blush covered his cheeks.

"We should probably get you cleaned up," he said instead with a low short chuckle as he glanced at the mess covering his boyfriends chest. Matt chuckled,smiling widely and revealing the chin dimple Sebastian had come to love. Sebastian leaned up and placed a soft kiss onto his chin before pushing him off.

They made their way into the bathroom together,waking Sally from her slumber in Matt's room. Sebastian decided it best to keep her company while Matt cleaned up.

As he sat down in the living room and Sally at his feet his phone chirped from the table. He sighed as he'd just gotten comfortable. He contemplated if reading the message was important and decided to check just in case.

We need to talk.

Sebastian blinked once,then twice before he felt himself close to freaking out. He bit his lip unsure of how to go about this. It was the first text he'd received from Peter since their divorce. Then he recalled the conversation he had with Evan about their house.

It's important. Can I meet you?

Sebastian felt rather confused,he wasn't sure what he felt but he knew it wasn't good. He began typing.

Tomorrow, the Bridgeton  Palet.

Then he shut his phone off and tried not to worry but he couldn't help it. Questions bounced around in his head. He wondered how much of him had changed,if he'd changed at all,he asked himself if he had the control to be normal,if it was possible for him to be normal. He couldn't help imagine the entire ordeal and each image was no better than the last. He hoped with all he had that he could be normal and not be rendered a helpless and broken mess.

"Hey,you okay?" Sebastian blinked furiously and looked up to see Matt,clean and still wet and in sweats. Only sweats, Sebastian's eyes travelled down and he swallowed.

"Yeah,you are going to need a shirt if you ask a question like that." The marvellous sound of Matt's laugh echoed and a smile graced Sebastian's lips. Matt sat down,pulling him close.

"I'm sure you can concentrate." He joked and Sebastian smiled,his hand traveling down his chest and up again.

"I just got a text from Peter," he informed him slowly,"he wants to meet."

"Oh," Matt was dumbfounded and shocked.

"I agreed." Sebastian wasn't sure how he would take it. He hoped he wouldn't think it meant anything.

"I see," Matt scratched his head and Sebastian could see the uncertainty in his beautiful blue eyes. "So,I suppose, it will be soon."

"Tomorrow." Sebastian sighed,"but trust me, it is only business. " he assured him.

"What business, exactly?" Sebastian realised Matt was trying not to pry and he smiled softly.

"Evan told me he is suspicious that he might be having money problems." Sebastian explained, "so he is probably going to try to get me to sell the house we lived in." Matt tilted his head to the side in thought.

"And why didn't he ask for the shares when you were settling everything?" He questioned.

"Technically,the house was passed down from my parents to my brother and I,so he has only half of my share and he can't get it anymore because he agreed to let me have it." He explained and Matt nodded.

"Are you going to help him?" Matt asked,"do you want to?" He added after a pause.

"I'm not sure,but..." Sebastian looked down at sally who raised her head as though sensing his stare. "I want him out of my life completely." Sebastian asserted staring into the gorgeous blue orbs of the man he felt himself grow obsessed with.

"Good," Matt nodded firmly,wrapping his arms tightly around Sebastian's waist. "I don't want to share you, ever,with anyone." Sebastian couldn't help beam up at him then Sally barked and the two men laughed at her obvious display of territory as she placed a paw onto Matt's thigh.

"I guess I'll be the one sharing here." Sebastian smirked playfully and Matt couldn't help the laugh which left him then and there.

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