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Sebastian was sweating and he couldn't be sure if it was from nerves or from the heat, but whichever it was, he didn't appreciate it. His soon to be boyfriend was a floor away from him and here he was sweating like a pig and not for the right reasons. He sat at the buildings café playing with his phone when he saw the voice mail.

"I need a gangster, to love me better, than all the others doooooooo! " Sebastian laughed alone as he listened to Matt's deep baritone belt out a song he wasn't even sure existed." To always forgive me, ride or die with me! That's just what gangsters dooooo! "Sebastian shook his at the ridiculousness of it." Get it? Cause you gangster! " Sebastian couldn't help it then as it ended with a beep, he was certain everyone though he was crazy. Irrespective of that, he replayed it, enjoying the sound of Matt's irresistible voice.

He wasn't very aware of his surroundings then, juat lost within his own head when someone took a seat beside him and he jumped slightly in surprise only to flush in embarrassment as he caught Matt's blue eyes.

"Oh, it's just you. "He said weakly with a shy smile.

"Expecting someone else?" Matt teased and Sebastian shook his head.

"No... "they sat in silence then, it was nice, comforting but Sebastian wanted to hold onto Matt, he wanted to cuddle him but held himself in check, they were in a public place and he wasn't all to sure how Matt felt about public displays of affection, and they weren't even dating.

"So, "Matt began," any plans later today? "Sebastian looked up to see him smiling shyly and he grinned.

"Well, I'm going to have lunch with my brother, after that, I'm all yours." Sebastian said, still a sweating mess and now a blushing mess too.

"Good. "Matt whispered, his hand reaching up and gently he ran the back of his finger across his heated cheek." Did you like the song? "Sebastian's smile widened at the though of it.

"I did, spent the last hour listening to it." This seemed to make Matt happy which in turn caused Sebastian to laugh happily. "Where did you here it?" Matt gapped at him.

"No. "He said in playful outrage.

"What?" Sebastian pouted.

"Do you not know Kehlani? "Sebastian stared blankly." oh, honey, you are so deprived. "Sebastian rolled his eyes," don't worry, I'll fix that right up when you come over to my place later. "He winked at him and Sebastian blushed, shaking his head right before Matt placed a sweet, linger kiss on his cheek." I've missed you, "he whispered before pulling away and Sebastian felt like a love sick teenage as he sweetly whispered back to him:

"I've missed you too."  Then there was loud laughter and Sebastian remembered where they were with a blush.

"Matthew, "Matt groaned before mouthing 'Kill me'  to Sebastian at the sound of his boss calling.

"I'll see you tonight?" Sebastian nodded enthusiastically.

"Tonight. "He promised as Matt retreated towards the elevator where Mr. Hain stood waiting with the rest of the colleagues. Sebastian caught the handsome Mr. Hain's eye and received a rather suggestive wink to which Sebastian turned away from quickly with a scowl.

"He's cute. "Sebastian jumped in his seat nearly dropping his phone, he turned with it clutched to his chest with a glare.

"You evil." he said simply amd his brother let out a joyous laugh.

"Ncaaaa! " Christopher said with his hand on his chest." you so sweet to me. "Sebastian rolled his eyes before turning away." But seriously, he's very handsome, I can see the apeal. "

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