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After seeing his brother in hospital, Sebastian found himself in the last place he wanted to be. He had dried his tears, he had come to terms with his divorce, especially when that morning Peter's assistant brought over the papers and came to collect his things. It had made everything so real, he had to will himself not to cry, he couldn't allow himself to cry again.

Sebastian made his way into the dark cold kitchen, he switched on the light. It felt so empty and it no longer felt like home. He walked into the dining room and sat at the table by himself, he stared down at the divorce papers he had left behind before he went to see his brother. I took the pen from his pocket. He spent the night reading through the papers, going over what Peter wabted to happen, what assets he wanted shared. His eyes blurred and he set the paper down and clutched his stomach.

"Oh, God. "He mumbled, his voice hoarse and cracked. He clenched his hands into fists and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath before blinking away his tears. He grabbed the pen with new determination and he signed on the various dotted lines. It was honestly the end and there was nothing he could do, nothing he felt he wanted to do.

He set them down and stood, he set for the office in which Peter used at their house, he looked around the mahogany desk for a laege envelope. He opened the various drawers and found a large brown one, he headed back to the dining room and slid the papers into the envelope and sealed it. He set it down feeling exhausted. He rubbed his eyes and decided to retire to bed.

He went to a guest bedroom and settled himself beneath the cold unfamiliar covers. He stared at the gold wedding band on his finger. He bit his lip as he remembered the good old days when they were young and very happy.


He was giggling with glee, all he saw was darkness as Peter lead him somewhere with his hands enclose around his eyes.

"Peter, where are you taking me? "Sebastian giggled and stumbled with Peter holding him tight.

"We are almost there." Peter said with happiness and alight nervousness. Sebastian shook his head with a smile. They had been together for two years now and still there was still so much love between them, Sebastian hadn't thought they would last this long hut he was happy that they have. "Alright," Peter whispered, removing his hands from Sebastian's eyes.

Sebastian gasped at the scene before him. They were outside, the trees were twinkling with lights and there was a picnic set up with a basket and candles and roses around it. Sebastian smiled at the small romantic gesture. He turned to his loving boyfriend who had his hands in his pockets, with his lip between his teeth. Sebastian reached for him, pulling to him.

"I love it. "He whispered against him before slamming their lips together. Peter wrapped his arma around his waist and pulled him closer. Sebastian whimpered lowly as Peter dropped his hand to his ass and gave it a squeeze. Peter groaned and pressed his lips against Sebastian harder, getting rougher.

"I want you so bad. "Peter said panting against him. Sebastian felt his stomach twist and turn at his words, he was directed to the ground and set onto the picnic blanket. They gazed heavily into each each others eyes, Sebastian flushed as Peter trailed his hand up and under his shirt, he shuddered at the heated look in his boyfriends eyes. "Marry me." Sebastian felt his heart stop, the sincerity and love shone brightly in Peter's eyes.

"I'd love to. "

They made love right then and there, ignoring the food prepared in the basket. The moment might not have gone as plan, but it was perfect, it was exactly as it should be, it was them.


Sebastian let out a choked sob and buried his face in his pillow, he couldn't take it, the memories have always been there, probably always will and the raw emotion of them were just to much, he needed to forget. He had too. He sat up, his face red with anger and hurt. He pulled at the wedding band untill it came off. He sniffed and stood. He wouldn't stay there, not any longer, he hadn't changed into his pj's so he simply went to the bathroom and splashed his face with water. He stared at his reflexion.

His grey eyes were dull and lifeless, he looked worn and older by the moment. He dried his face after shaking his head. He pocketed his ring and hurried down stairs. He paused amd took the ring from his pocket, he went into the dining room and opened the envelope, he dropped the ring into the envelope and resealed it. He grabbed his keys and his phone and wallet.

He turned on the radio, trying to drown out the thoughts in his head. Trying to block the memories. He finally reached a local club. He stopped the car and sat there for a while, contemplating the pros and cons.

"Come on, Sebastian, "He mumbled." You deserve a bit of release. He is probably somewhere out there, doing who knows what with who knows who. "That gave him a burst of courage and he got out and locked hia car. The loud bass could be heard from outside so he prepared himself.

There were bodies grinding against one another as soon as he entered. Man with man, girl with girl, girl with boy, even three at a time. The variety seemed endless. Sebastian watched the attractive and drunk people dance as he walked through them, careful not to bump them. He received flirty smiles and winks and a pinch to the ass before he got to the bar. He sighed and took a seat. Everyone was dressed to impress while he was in simple blue jeans and a black button up with the top three buttons undone. He ran a hand through his hair and the bartender was already waiting to take his order. He smiled a small smile.

"Jack Daniels. "Sebastian said even though he wasn't much for drinking and he preferred the sweeter wines, he wanted to try something different. Something stronger and garrenteed to get him drunk. He was served and he drowned his down with a wince, the bartender chuckled at him.

"Hello, handsome. "Sebastian turned to see a handsome and not to mention really young man with a large grin.

"Hey," he said with a small smile. The young man touched his shoulder.

"You look like you could use a good time. "He purred, trailing the hand down Sebastian's arm to his thigh. Sebastian contemplated it. Was this really what he wanted? Could he even stomach it? The man smile." Come, let us dance. "he pulled at his arm and lead him to the dance floor. It was clear the younger man was a bottom and wasn't even Sebastian's type but he was cute and flirty. He made Sebastian feel wanted, even if it wasn't passed lust, Sebastian thought he could take what he could.

It was time to forget, time to be someone he wasn't and have a good time. He would forget tonight and he hoped he wouldn't do anything he would forget.

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