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"You need to get out. " He didn't bother moving from his spot as Evan's soft voice filtered through his ears. Sebastian kept his eyes glued to the paused screen where a couple stood proud and smiling, the male more familiar that he should be.

"I don't want to." He said lowly, his voice rough so he cleared his throat. He felt broken, even after two years of being divorced. He couldn't take it, especially after the announcement of Peter's engagement just two months ago. Sebastian knew he was a depressive mess and really, he felt he couldn't be blamed, he didn't ask for it, he didn't mean for it to happen, but it did and he faced the music, he understood he would never get Peter matter how much he wanted that to happen still, even after a year of therapy.

"Well, you have to, or else. "Sebastian looked up, surprised to see Evan look so serious, his mouth threatening a pout. It was adorable.

"I can't." Sebastian said pleadingly and Evan frowned, crouching beside him with a sigh

"Sebastian, "he said softly," You have to get up. "He bit his lip." I know you're hurting about this information, but just lying around will not make it better. " Sebastian avoided the eye contact and turned his head away, back to the television screen where Peter had his arm around a nice looking woman. Sebastian cursed himself pointlessly for not being thin, for not having the nice long and slim legs and the large bust, for not being a woman. He pouted then for a moment.

"Do you think it's because I'm a boy? "He asked, his eyes stinging.

"No, I think that you were just too much of a real man." Christopher said strongly. Sebastian looked to the door he hadn't even realised was open. He stared into his brothers angry grey eyes. "Such a good and honest man, he couldn't handle it, he didn't deserve you. Now get your ass up, take a shower and dress to impress, then I want you to get the hell out of my house and take a nice long walk, maybe you will meet someone then I can get some. "Christopher glared and Sebastian flushed before looking away.

"I used to get some." Sebastian said, withholding a laugh which threatened to get out.

"You did, now go out there and get yourself some. "Christopher said hanging up his coat." I don't want to seem insensitive, but you are not the brother I know and love. You should not be moping around for this guy, he doesn't deserve you, in fact, he deserves to get a nice kick in the ass. "

"Christopher ." Evan scolded lightly with a pout and like a snap, Christopher melted. Sebastian watched with longing and a soft smile as his younger brother moved over to his husband for a kiss.

"Sorry, love. "He apologised sincerely. Sebastian sighed and stood, dusting himself lightly.

"You're right, I've been here too long."

"Tell me about it. "He mumbled only to have Evan slap his arm.

"Don't worry, I'm gone. You two have your fun."

"Sebastian, you don't have to go. "Evan said with a frown and I smiled.

"I do, like my brother said, I need some fresh air, my therapist won't be happy once she hears about me spending a weekend mourning about my ex-husbands engagement." Sebastian chuckled with a shrugg as Evan offered him a smile.

"I love you brother. "Christopher said in sing-song as Sebastian exited the house.

Sebastian chuckled as he kicked the dirt beneath his shoes as he stood outside. He walked over to his car and cursed his brother for living in such a secluded surrounding far away from civilization. He hummed and wondered if maybe he should be doing the same, living far from everyone, from everything. Suddenly it was more appealing and he chuckled having already know in the response of his therapist.

Attending the counseling for over a year now for his divorce because he had gone through actual depression, where he would lock himself up in his old bedroom and just cry. Sebastian tightened his hands around the steering wheel as he thought of how broken Peter had left him, how empty and alone he had felt just because Peter felt he wasn't good enough. He found himself wondering often what he'd done wrong, even called him to ask for forgiveness, how useless those had proven to be.

He turned into a corner, leading him to an actual road. He drove in silence, just him and his thoughts. It had been hard at first, but with the help of Ms. Berri, all was well, if not completely great. Sebastian pulled to a stop once he reached civilization. He parked his car and got out deciding to follow his brothers advise. A walk would be good, it would help clear his head, help him let go of what he saw on the television screen.

"Marriage, "he mumbled," to a woman, should have seen it coming. "He chuckled as he walked on aimlessly, his hands in his pockets, he strolled through the park. The day was sunny with a bit of cloud, Sebastian found himself a nice bench and he settled in with a sigh as he took a deep breath, he felt a bit of happiness in him as the birds chirped and the sound of laughter echoed. Moments went by before he opened his eyes. He turned and jumped.

"Woah there, tiger, "Sebastian blinked at the blue eyed stranger who grinned. Sebastian stared at the boyish man who had a freakishly large blue hat." Mind if I join you? "Sebastian raised a brow seeing as he was already there. He shook his head and pursed his lips." So, come here often? "Sebastian felt his head rear back as he went to look at the younger man who smiled, showcasing his chin dimple.

"What's with the hat?" He asked instead and the younger man laughed.

"A friend dared me to wear my grandma's most ridiculous hat. "Sebastian gave a slow nod." My name is Matthew, but you can call me Matt if you like. " Sebastian stared at the strong calloused hand of the handsome stranger. He took hold of it, his heart squeezing.

"Sebastian." He gave a brilliant smile.

"Well, Sebastian, I have to say, I am smitten. "Sebastian felt his face go numh with shock.

"Well," he said not having any words left. He flushed and looked down. "I'm flattered." He found himself admitting with a blush before he chuckled and finally let go of the young man's hand.

"You should be, I don't find many people attractive. "Sebastian laughed softly and shook his head.

"You are very forward." Sebastian found himself vocalising and Matt simply inched closer to him.

"You will find that it's one of my best qualities. "Sebastian's brows rose high and his new companion smirked." I'm sorry, if I'm making you uncomfortable, sometimes it's just easier to say what's on my mind to prevent from getting awkward. "This time Matt was blushing, Sebastian chuckled.

"It's okay." They fell silent for a moment before chuckling. "It was nice meeting you, Matt." Sebastian said, looking for a way to go, preventing things from being awkward really fast when the stranger with the big blue hat lightly touched his hand.

" you...have to go? "Matt asked. Sebastian was caught off guard, he wasn't sure how to respond or if he should respond at all. He shook his head slowly and a smile grew onto Matt's face." Would you like to go grab a coffee? Tea? Anything really. "Matt chuckled nervously.

Sebastian could almost swear his brother's voice echoed in his head. He gave a small smile, genuine and his stomach did a flip as Matt stood, towering over him and grabbed his hand and lead him to the nearest coffee shop. Sebastian looked up at the tall man with a chuckle. This is not how he expected his walk to end up.

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