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Sebastian sat still in Matt's car. He was determined not to leave him without sorting everything out.

"Matt," his voice was soft,he was lucky that he had turned to radio off when they came to a stop. "Can we talk, please?" It had been ten minutes since they stopped in front of his place.

"There is nothing to talk about." Sebastian shifted in his seat so he can see him while he spoke.

"Obviously there is,you are upset. Why?" Matt scoffed and shook his head.

"Sebastian,if you don't know then we have nothing to discuss." Sebastian felt like someone stabbed him then and there and he frowned,trying not to cry.

"Please tell me,Matt." He sniffed, "I want to fix this." Matt finally turned to him and sighed.

"Why didn't you call me? I had to hear from your brother where you were and I called you three times,Sebastian. Three times, so you not care that I was worried about you all day?" Sebastian felt sick to his stomach.

"I'm sorry,okay? I thought I texted but I was drunk,I didn't mean to worry you." Matt shook his head.

"You should have called the moment you left the restaurant. You being drunk by yourself is not good,you could have hurt yourself. " Sebastian stared down at his hands in shame. "And also, Frank." Sebastian blinked.

"What about him?"

"Oh,Sebastian, you cannot be that blind." Matt shook his head and looked away. "Do you honestly believe he let you sleep off your drunken stupor in his house,with his kid? Without knowing you well enough?"

"He's your cousin,I thought...I just thought since he knows about us,it wasn't a big deal."

"It is!" Matt yelled and bit his lip when he saw how Sebastian jumped, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "Frank doesn't just do nice things,okay?" He spoke softly,"he doesn't even let me into his house most of the time. The only time he let's anyone near his daughter even is if he is really interested."

" think he." Sebastian blanched,his eyes wide. "I don't think so." He stared down at his hands as silence enveloped them.

"He's done it before. " Sebastian looked up to see Matt staring off into the distance. "My second last relationship was ruined because of him. Frank isn't the type to bid his time then go in for the kill. No,he goes in for the kill,let's your know right then and there his opinion and when he wants something, he goes for it. And often nobody can resist."

"You honestly believe I would cheat on you? Or leave you for him?"

"It's been done before," Matt stared at him," and we haven't been together long enough for it not to happen." Sebastian couldn't hold back the tears then.

"You honestly don't know me well enough then,because I am no cheater and I am all or nothing. If you honestly believe I would be so cruel as to do that then maybe you aren't as serious about us as I am. " he opened his door then. "Good bye,Matt." He slammed the car door and made his way to his home. Hoping against all odds he hadn't made a mistake.


Sebastian was in a hot bubble bath,he laid back and allowed himself to clear his mind. He let himself just enjoy the heat of the bath and wished himself to a land of nothing.

He soaked for a few more minutes before deciding enough was enough. It had been three days since his fight with Matt and he felt like death. He'd missed his session with his therapist but luckily he wasn't stupid enough to ignore his medication.

He walked around his room in his towel. He was so isolated from the world and had learned a day ago that he did not have his phone. He thought maybe it was in Matte car or even Frank's house or the park,either way,he was not eager to get it.

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