Imagine for Sara

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So this imagine is for gymnastmotavator. Hope you like it love!
                <Sara's POV>

I looked back at the phone screen, tears rolling down my face. They hate me. His fans don't even know and yet they hate me. There more I thought the harder I cried. My eyes stung from my salty tears.

Grayson knows how horrible they are to me and doesn't do anything about it.

I threw my phone at the wall, and buried my head into my pillow.

"Sara, baby are you ok?" Grayson.

And in that moment I became furious.


"Babe, don't let them get to you. Do you realize how hard it is for me to go online and see all those people hating on the girl I love?"

"I'm just done Grayson." I grab a bag from our closet and stuff some clothes inside of it.

"Where are you going, Sara?"

"Goodbye,Grayson." I say walking out the bedroom.

"NO SARA WAIT!!" I hear him shout from behind me. A tear rolled down my face as a exited the house and drove off to my moms. I didn't want to do this, but I had to.

            <Grayson's POV>
I lost her. I lost Sara. And you know what? It's all my fault.

What am i supposed to do? It's not like life is worth living now that I've lost her. She's probably never gonna forgive me so what's the point? I'm going to do it. Goodbye Sara, I love you baby.

                   <Sara's POV>

I woke up to my phone ringing.

1:34 am.

I sat up in bed and i winced in pain, I had a headache from crying to much. I grabbed my phone and looked at the Caller ID. Ethan. Why is Ethan calling?

"Hello?" I say groggily.

"Sara? You gotta get to the hospital, Grayson's here, he tried to y'know, die."

"What? Is he ok?"

"Yeah he's fine, but he needs you Sara. He won't calm down. He's going to go crazy if you don't hurry up and get here."

"Ok, I'm coming."  I hang up and quickly throw on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I grab my car keys and run outside to my car.

I drive as quickly as I can to the hospital. I tell the lady at the receptionist desk who I am and she tells me what room he's in.

I practically run down the hallway, looking for his room. And when i finally do, I see him there, freaking out. Screaming. Doctors trying to restrain him. My heart broke at the sight.

"Grayson?" I say, my voice cracking.
He stops fighting with the doctors and looks up at me.

"Sara, thank god." He sighs and lays his head in his pillows and the doctors leave the room.

"Why did you do this, Gray?"

"Because I love you and I couldn't live knowing I lost you." He mumbles, a tear running down his face.

"Don't do that, Gray. I love you more than anything."

"I love you so much, Sara." He says.

"Then show me." I say.

"Will you go back home with me tomorrow and then I can show you?" He asks.

I giggle,"Yeah."

I spent the night at the hospital with him, and when we got back to our apartment in the morning. He proved to me, that he really really loves me. And that's all I needed. Grayson talked to the fans and almost all the hate somehow disappeared.

And at the end of the week, he showed me he loved me at least 3 times.

I couldn't have been happier.

Im super sorry if this sucked ass, it's my first imagine, so it might not have been the best.

I hope it's at least ok Sara. Kinda cried a little writing this TBH.

Just message me if you want an imagine.

Ily guys, Alyssa💙

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