Happy Birthday (for @camicami10)

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Happy 14th Birthday @camicami10 :) i really hope you like this!!


*Camila POV* 

Today is my 21st Birthday. I'm officially celebrating 4 years with my boyfriend, Hayes. We met in grade 12, when we were both 17, and we've been together since. 

Hayes had said to me earlier yesterday that we were going on a special dinner tonight for my birthday, and that he pick me up at 7. 

I looked behind me and checked the clock, 6:30, "crap..." I muttered to myself as I ran to get changed into a nice dress to wear to dinner.

As I was doing up the straps on my heels the doorbell ran, and sure enough it was hayes. 

"Hey beautiful, you look.... stunning." he said before pecking me on the lips and escorting me to the car.  

The ride to the restaurant was silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a calm silence. 

*Magical Time Skip To After Dinner*

"Camila, i want to take you somewhere." Hayes said before taking me down to the beach. I undid my heels and walked with Hayes along the beach when he stopped suddenly.

"Camila, I've known you once we were both 17, and we have been through everything together, you make me smile every day and laugh every second we're together, you're the love of my life, Camila." Hayes paused to take a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee, "Camila, will you marry me?" Hayes said as i dropped my heels and tears formed in my eyes, "Y-Yes of course I will!" I said jumping into his arms and kissing him. 

I will be truly happy spending the rest of my life with him.

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