Lights, Camera, Action. (for @AreyonnaCarr)

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*Areyonna's POV*

Hayes and I have been dating for a few years now, since high school started for us. the more Ithink about that and the more I actually say it the crazier it sounds.

tomorrow was out anniversary and Hayes had been bugging me about this surprise thing he's had planned for a while now, I couldn't wait. thoughts rag through me head of what it could be or what could be happening with it. 

My phone started ringing off the hook, literally almost buzzing off the table, which scared me insanely. it was my manager, Hayley, calling me about some big shoot. 
I should probably mention that I'm a model, or up and coming model. I've been working with some smaller magazines modelling clothing, or jewelry. 

"Areyonna! look, I got you a shoot for tomorrow. I've already said yes for you so theres no backing out now, ok. its for Flaunt magazine, they got into shooting some new sweaters and stuff and REQUESTED you, specifically for you. I've sent a car to be at your place for 9am sharp tomorrow, and you should be done by 11 tomorrow night. ok? ok." the line went dead. 

I was happy, and excited, but at the same time nervous as to see what Hayes' reaction would be. I thought it would be best to tell him today but I knew he was at a local convention with the guys so I thought it'd be best to wait.

- -

7:30 rolled around and Hayes came in while I was just making something for us to eat, "hey, how was your day?" I asked, "good, the convention was good, although there were some weird fans," he laughed. "how was yours?" he asked back.

"good, Hayley called me and got me a shoot for tomorrow, 9 to 11 all day. its for Flaunt magazine!" I said, weary of what his reaction would be.

"thats great! ill just reschedule our plans for tomorrow and it'll be good, I'm glad you got the shoot." he said.

"hayes, why are you angry? I couldn't turn this down even if I wanted to! I know tomorrow is our anniversary and all but, just," I groaned, "I'm sorry, I should've checked." I finished.

"its ok, Areyonna. its not your fault. ill push things to this Saturday and then we'll go from there, ok? don't worry about it." he said, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head. 

things were gonna be okay.

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