Winter Wonderlands (part 3)

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(A/N: I'm dedicating this part to blueeyez2blue because she helped me get the idea :) )


You and hayes had been together for about a week now. Nothing could get between you both. Nothing.

Hayes was currently at your house, as MAGCON was on break because of christmas. "Hey hayes?" you asked, "yeah babe?" he called back, "can you run into my room and grab my notebook?" you shouted back from where you were standing. "Yup!" hayes called as he ran up the stairs and to your bedroom.

*Hayes POV*
I jogged up to (Y/N)'s room to grab her notebook. Which one did she say again?

I picked up the first notebook on her night stand, and opened it.

"Ways to commit suicide" it read in (Y/N)'s handwriting.

'What?' I thought. As I slowly flipped the pages, I noticed that there was one idea for each day of the month of January.

I guess I must've taken to long because there was a long sigh at her door...

*Your POV*

'What's taking hayes so long?' You thought. You slowly walked up the stairs and stood in the doorway to your bedroom. You sighed loudly enought to get his attention. "(Y/N)? what is this? you know that you're way to amazing, and beautiful, and valuable, ad strong to have this?" hayes said to you.

"You know." You stated, "I was actually going to throw that out. Burn it actually." You stated. It was the truth. You were going to burn it on Christmas Eve.

"Well then," hayes said with a slight smile on his face, "let's burn it together. Right now. At the fire place." Hayes said while kissing you softly and linking arms walking down the stairs.

You placed the logs and paper in the fire place while hayes got the matches.

You slowly lit your book of suicide methods on fire and tossed it into the fire place.

I smile spread across your face as you watched the entire book go up into flames, and burned the ashes.

A smile spread across your face.

"I guess that's the end of that?" hayes asked.

"'tis the end." You said with a fake British accent.


A/N: I know. This was a short ending. But I know this had talks of suicide in it.. if any of you guys ever need to talk, I'm here. Just PM me. Ok? ok.

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