My Decision

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Dakota Pov

Monday morning... I sigh getting out of bed and trudging into the bathroom, I have a shower and changed into jeans, a tank top and converses, I curl my hair and grab my bag. I drive to school running late which wasn't very surprising, I walk into Maths and felt my heart crumble at the sight of a girl sitting beside Embry flirting shamelessly as he did her.

"Oh Miss Mikaelson, the principal wanted to see you" The teacher says sternly, I nod and silently leave towards the principals office, I knock before walking in "Dakota, I've noticed you've had quite a few days off, I was just wondering if everything was alright?" Principal Callahan asks in a genuinely concerned tone "yeah everything's fine, just been sick with the flu" I said shrugging.

"Well I hope your feeling better, you may leave now" He says sternly "thank you" I said softly an left. I walk to my locker an shove my bag inside not planning on doing work for the rest of the day, I sat in the library until Recess then I trudge into the cafeteria and sat by myself, I felt myself freeze when a girl walks in and she looked like my Mother... wtf.

She stares back at me an I look away when she walks over "hello I'm Olivia Brooks, its nice to finally meet my niece" She says smiling sitting in front of me "my Mum's family are all dead" I said confused "I'm a hybrid like your Mother once was, she wanted me to watch over you until I thought it was time to step out of the shadows, no one besides your parents & the Mikaelsons know of my existence but I've never met any of them besides your Mother & Rebekah" She explains sternly.

"What was my Mum like?" I ask curiously "a pain in the ass but she was also selfless and kind, no one believed that your Father was good except her, she died for love" Olivia says softly "so want to come get coffee with me, its like a 10-15 minute walk" I said perkily "sure" She says amused and we stand up "I'll meet you outside, I'm gonna get my friend" I said smirking.

Olivia nods an leaves as I walk towards Renesmee's table where she was sitting with the guys and Embry's new 'friend' "hey Ness, wanna ditch with me and Olivia, she's my new friend" I said smiling goofily "yeah sure" Ness says smiling an standing up "won't your parents get mad?" Seth asks raising an eyebrow "their dead" I said clearing my throat.

"And mine will never know" Ness says shrugging and we left, Ness & Olivia seem to get along good. After getting coffee we start walking back, we all had Art so we sat at the same table and talked the whole time "we should have a sleepover at mine tonight" I said suggestively "yeah sure" they both agree "so how come earlier today Embry had no idea who you were?" Ness asks with a raised brow.

"I told him to forget about me, I guess he took the advice further than I thought he would" I said biting my lip, Olivia was giving me a look "what an ass, he can't just act like you two never met, like seriously that's just immature" Ness grumbles in annoyance "its fine, Ness, I was going to talk to him today maybe after school before you two come over" I said softly.

"Goodluck" They both say together...


After school

I lean against my car when Jacob & Embry walk over "is Ness mad at me about anything?" Jacob asks looking upset "I don't know but I can find out, she's staying at mine tonight" I said smirking "ok cool, oh and I wanted to apologise for being a dick to you" He says clearing his throat "I was a bitch so I guess it makes us even" I said shrugging "so how'd your parents die?" He asks curiously.

I raise an eyebrow at him "well if you must know, my Dad died before I was born and my Mum died after I was born like maybe a few hours or days I can't remember the details but shit happens, ain't nothing you can do but enjoy what's good in life" I said trying to act casual when really I wanted to cry, I never got to meet my parents and my childhood was great but I have a constant feeling that there's an emptiness in my life and there is.... my parents, they didn't deserve to die.

"Hey Embry, come on" Carly says impatiently as she approaches, she's the one who's been stealing Embry from me!, oh for fucks sake Dakota stop being jealous! he deserves better than you!. "I'll see you around Jacob, I'll make sure to talk to Ness" I said softly before I hop in my car and drove to my apartment building.

I hope Embry enjoys his life...

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