Oh Great

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Dani pov

I wake up in the bar "oh shit" I said standing up, I unlock the door to see it was dark and vamp sped to a shop that was opened, I compelled everyone to leave and 'borrowed' some clothes and used the bathroom to clean my mouth, I left the shop and hopped back into my car.

I drove & drove until reaching Mystic Falls, I go home and collapsed on my bed watching the news, I grunt as they mention the murders in Chicago and that they had multiple bite marks, I turn the t.v off when someone bangs on the door, I vamp sped to the door and opened it revealing a smirking Klaus "I knew you were hungry" he chuckles walking inside.

I close the door "well Fin is dead" he says "you got the Bennett witch" I smirk as we sat on the couch "Elena & Damon are going to visit Jeremy, Kol's already there but I want another set of eyes watching them, I was hoping you'd go" he smirks, I thought about it "fine but why do they want Jeremy now?" I ask curiously "to find out their bloodline" he shrugs "oh" I said.

Klaus left and I quickly had a shower and changed into jeans, a long sleeved shift and boots. I left in my car listening to the radio.....

I watch from a distance as Elena & Damon talk to Jeremy, I smirk as I saw Kol with a bat, I vamp sped to them as he smashes Damon and gets a bat shoved into him, I waited until they left before vamp speeding next to him and gently pulling it out as he lay unconscious, I roll him over and waited.

I got bored so I carefully drag his body somewhere that nobody sees him and went to go find Elena, Damon & Jeremy. I listened in on their conversation in the hotel room when a hand went over my mouth, I turn to find a smirking Kol, I roll my eyes "do you always listen to everyone's conversations" he smirks "shush" I said putting my hand on his mouth as Elena & Damon walk out.

I scrunch up my nose as they start kissing "slut" I mutter before Jeremy walks out saying where Mary lives, idiots. I remove my hand from his mouth "lets go before they start making out again" I said disgusted and we left.

We reach Mary's house and Kol kills her as I leaned against the wall bored "their here" I said hearing their annoying voices and the door opening, "Mary" Damon says "quite the trary" Kol says flicking the lights on as he sat in a chair with a metal bat.

Kol stands up "shame about Mary, she used to be a blast, I don't quite know what happened, I feel the time she spent with my family might have ruined her, bit of an original groupie" he grins standing in front of her dead body "and were you her favourite" Elena asks causing me to feel jealous "you mean did I turn her, maybe I did but oh wait maybe it was Rebekah, there was also a Klaus period" he says cockily.

"Don't forget the Elijah affair, I spoke to my brother, I know your trying to find out who your descendant from, now you never will" he smirks before tapping the bat on the ground and facing Damon "now where did we lead off" he says before swinging it into Damon's leg causing him to fall onto his stomach and Kol whacked his arm back before his neck.

"Elena get out" Damon groans, Elena goes to run but I vamp sped in front of her "according to my brother your off limits" Kol said walking over "but you still pest me" he adds before throwing her into a pile of junk, Damon vamp sped to Kol "don't touch her" he says but ends up back on the ground "oh dear, I've hit a nerve, relax darling, I just want us to be even" Kol says.

"You snapped my neck, killed my brother and humiliated me" Kol says before smashing the bat into Damon's back several times "there now were even" Kol says .....

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