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Dakota Pov

I was sitting in class with Olivia & Ness who's not mad at Jacob anymore but cause he isn't in this class she sat with us yay!, it's second period now but it feels like we've been in this hell for hours, the bell soon goes and Olivia piggybacks me into the cafeteria with Ness calling me lazy, Ness goes to Jacob who was sitting with Embry, Carly & Seth.

I collapse on a chair and Olivia sits in front of me "ok so what's wrong and don't lie to me" She says with narrowed eyes "nothing" I murmur just as Uncle Klaus walks into the cafeteria "Kota" He smiles as I jump into his arms "what are you doing here?" I ask grinning as we pull away "happy birthday" He says cheerfully "aw you remembered, how cute" I said sitting back down.

"Of course I did, you must be Olivia" Uncle Klaus says giving her a look as he sat down "I know I look like my sister, get over it" Olivia says rolling her eyes. "I can't stay long, I left your present at your place and Rebekah left a lot of presents" He says chuckling "if she bought me more useless junk I'm gonna kill her" I said shaking my head, he stayed until the bell before he left.

Ness, Olivia and I are having a sleepover at Ness's tonight because my place is a mess cause I haven't been bothered cleaning lately, were gonna get clothes an stuff from home before we go though. School was soon over an I quickly drive us home to get our stuff before driving to Ness's, we hop out an I lock my car before knocking on the front door.

Ness opens it smiling happily an lets us in, I felt angry when we walk into the living room to see the guys & Carly watching a movie, Olivia & Ness sit down but before I could my phone beeps off, I answer it still standing in the living room

"Hi Aunt Bekah" I murmur an notice Embry had his arm around Carly, I felt my eyes glow yellow in anger but controlled it

'Hello sweetheart, have you considered moving here?' She asks perkily

"I'm not moving to New Orleans" I said causing Ness & Olivia to look at me, she complains so I hung up. I sat down sighing "you ok?" Olivia asks softly "yeah just family being a pain in the ass" I said shaking my head..


Olivia Pov

Dakota fell asleep on my shoulder as I try not to, whoever picked this movie is an idiot.. its so boring & dull. "Hey Olivia, are you and Kota related?, you two look a lot alike" Seth asks curiously once the movie ended "she's my niece, I promised my sister I'd take care of her" I murmur "what happened to her parents?" Ness asks sadly "they were both murdered, they killed Dakota's Dad a few months before she was born, when she was only a new born the same person killed her Mum, my sister" I said teary eyed.

My head snaps towards Dakota when she whimpers "Kota, wake up" I said shaking her shoulder "Mum" She whispers shaking violently before her eyes snap open an she clutches her head, Ness helps me take her outside for some air "I'm fine" Dakota murmurs rubbing her face tiredly as I try to comfort her when Carly walks out "here I got you a drink" She says handing a glass of red substance to Dakota.

Dakota looked quite startled "thanks" She says taking the glass "wait don't drink that" Ness says but it was too late Dakota sculls the drink as Carly walks back inside, Dakota's face drops an she went pale before jumping to her feet and puking in the garden "there was blood in it, wasn't there" I said sighing, Ness nods frowning "Carly probably thought it was cordial or a raspberry drink" She says as we help Dakota.

"I have never been so revolted, sorry Ness but that's so gross" Dakota says wiping her mouth just as the guys & Carly walk out "we gotta go, what's that smell?" Jacob asks disgusted "Kota puked" Ness says shrugging as he kisses her cheek before they left and we went back inside and basically spent the night taking care of the birthday girl..

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