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Dani pov

I went with Damon & Jeremy back to the place where Klaus made a bunch of vampires but Damon has a stake pointing into my back making me walk in front "ew what stinks" I said when we walk into a room to see all the vampires dead in a pile "oh that" I said when Damon shoves me "looks like were gonna have to find some new vampires, what a waste" Damon says.

"What the hell happened" Jeremy says pointing his cross bow "I confess, I did it" we turn to see Kol with raised hands, I felt my insides twist "Kol" Jeremy says pointing the cross bow at him "Jeremy, good to see you mate, sorry about the mess, it was a little crowded when I arrived, I prefer more intimate places, we three need to have a little chat" he says taking a drink from a bottle.

Kol faces me "leave" he says harshly, I was about to leave when Damon roughly grabs my arm "go back to the house and help Elena" he says shoving me towards the door, Kol gave me a look as I trudge past him and vamp sped to the Gilbert house. I get there just as Elena & Matt did "where's Damon and Jeremy?" Elena asks as we walk inside "having a chat with Kol" I shrug.

"Kols back" She frowns "yep" I said collapsing on the couch "you ok?" Matt frowns "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine after Damon forced me to stay and help, Kol's pissed off at me and I have better things to do then stay here and make sure you people don't get killed" I said annoyed "why'd you come here then?" Matt asks with raised brows "I don't have anywhere to go" I said in a duh voice.

"True" Elena frowns before they went into the kitchen, I close my eyes exhausted but I couldn't sleep again..... I stood up and trudging into the kitchen to find Matt gone but Jeremy and Elena talking about the cure and whatever, I sat in a chair when someone knocked on the door and Elena went to go answer it.

Jeremy left and I was alone "great" I grumble standing up and opening the fridge, I grab a blood bag and drank it as I sit in the corner of the room with yellow eyes. "Dani?!" I heard Elena call out walking back inside with probably Jeremy, I shove the empty bag in my jacket pocket and wiped my mouth standing up when Elena walks into the kitchen with Jeremy.

"You ok?" Elena asks watching me intently "fine" I murmur and they start talking "this is never gonna end, if Kol doesn't kill me first then Klaus is gonna force me to kill more innocent people, how many is it gonna take? 10, 100" Jeremy says with a cold voice "if you kill one original vampire their entire sire line will die with them, that's thousands maybe 10's of thousands of vampires" Elena says.

"Kol compelled Damon to kill you, your gonna kill Kol instead" She says coldly "WHAT" I growl slamming her into the wall changing my face and baring my teeth, I gasp in pain when Jeremy shoves a stake in my back, I turn around and he shot me in the head.

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