Growing Up

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Dakota Pov

I'm 8 years old now, Aunt Rebekah is forcing me to move to another town some place called Forks which is in Washington, she thinks I'm too mature to be only 8 and that I'm alot like my father, I think about my parents alot and sometimes imagine what life would be like if they were still alive.

After I helped unpack everything into our new home, I run down stairs an found her on the phone "can I go for a walk?" I ask pouting using my best puppy dog face "fine but be back by 5pm, got it?" She says sternly "ok" I said grinning before I left wearing my favourite pair of black skinny jeans, a purple blouse, black flats and I braided my hair this morning but thanks to sleeping in the car drive here, it doesn't look as good anymore.

I walk down the street as people looked at me weirdly, I had $20 in my pocket just in case I saw something or need something to eat, Aunt Rebekah always tells me to keep some money in my pocket. I ended up at the park to see some kids & parents, they looked very happy except a certain boy who was sitting on the grass alone, very dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Hello, can I sit with you?" I ask softly once I approach him, he looks up at me startled "erh sure" He says squirming, I sat down letting my light brown hair fall over my shoulders "I'm Dakota, what's your name?" I ask smiling warmly "Embry" He mumbles looking down...

5 years later

I squeal as Embry chases me around the park, I trip over thanks to my clumsy feet and Embry collapses next to me grinning as I smile at him as he's hand reaches out and grabs a leaf from my hair "I can't believe how much times you've tripped over your own feet" He says laughing his head off "shut up" I said whacking his shoulder.

Embry grins widely at me as we both stand up, it was getting late as we slowly walk home, Embry and I are neighbours and we walk to school together everyday and he happens to be my best friend well really he's my only friend. "See ya tomorrow, Emmy" I said as we reach my house "bye Dakota" He says hugging me, we pull away and I run inside.

3 years later

I was waiting for Embry but he texted me saying he's sick so I went to school alone, I saw Jacob Black standing there waiting for someone then I realised he had started walking towards me "stay away from Embry" He says coldly before shoving past me as I blink in surprise before slowly walking into school as thoughts entered my mind.


After school, Aunt Rebekah told me that we have to go to New Orleans because Uncle Klaus knocked some chick up and we left straight away as I thought about Embry and what Jacob had said, was Embry ok? was he in some sort of trouble? I hope he's ok....

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