Live in the moment not the past

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Dani pov

I stood with the witches and hybrids that want revenge because they were killed for the sacrifice that Silas wanted, Kol was on the stage "welcome back, it was our deaths that allowed this day to come to pass, massacres performed for the name of resurrecting the immortal Silas, 12 hybrids, 12 witches, the slaughter of innocent by the so called hero protecters of Mystic Falls" Kol says.

"They rest Unleashing hell on earth for their own selfish games and today that's exactly what they get" he says causing them all to cheer as he walks off stage, I was about to leave and warn Elena when Kol grabs my arm and drags me with the rest of them "don't touch me" I said making him tighten his grip and push me against the wall as the others left to get ready.

I squirm as he pressed his body to mine, I stare into his warm brown eyes as he takes my face in his hands "your afraid of me" he frowns, I look down, his hands dropped from my face "Kol, I couldn't find you because I couldn't leave the Gilbert house besides when I was with Damon & Jeremy, I thought you'd probably hate me but I'm not afraid of you" I said teary eyed.

Kol strokes my cheek gently "We don't have much time here unless we stop them.... together" he says as his hand moves down from my cheek and on the back of my neck, I gasp in surprise as he smashes our lips together, I wrap my arms around his neck putting as much passion, love & lust into the kiss as I could.

We moved in sync as Kol's arms wrapped around my waist pressing our bodies together, Kol's hands slide down to my upper thighs and he lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist as we kiss hungrily. I pull away from his sweet lips "what's wrong?" he asks as we both breath heavily "not here" I said biting my lip.

I squeal as Kol lays us down deep in the woods, we start kissing passionately as Kol pulls my shirt off, we undress and make love. Kol rolls off me as we stay silent before he stands up and gets dressed, I get up & dressed "Dani, I'll be back" He says wrapping his strong arms around my waist "promise?" I pout, he pecks my lips "I hope you'll forgive me" He murmurs before snapping my neck with a pained look.

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