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Dakota Pov

Ok so my first day was a total disaster, hopefully today might be different yet a part of me doesn't mind having some attention for once, Aunt Rebekah has been busy lately so I haven't had much time to spend with her, I sometimes wish I wasn't an only child and that my parents were still alive but I guess I was destined to walk this earth without caring parents or a younger sibling, just alone.

I had a quick shower while humming to some tune that kept circling through my head, I change Into denim shorts, a light blue tank top and black converses. I brush my hair an yawn tiredly as I pick up my bag and trudge into the kitchen, I boil the kettle while texting Uncle Klaus who sent me a picture of Hope attacking a bunny, gross.

After drinking a coffee, I left deciding to just walk because I was so tired for some reason, I slept for almost 10 hours yet here I am trudging down the street rubbing my eyes every few minutes. I finally reach the school late, I walk inside an to the office, I got a late note and was told it was only second period so I headed to class.

I knock on the closed door, the teacher opens it and takes my note as I walk in, I saw 'Embry' sitting alone and none of the other annoying guys aka 'Jacob' & 'Quil' were here well Quil isn't really annoying but he talks to Jacob so he must be seriously messed up in the head, Renesmee wasn't here either.

I decided to hell with it and sat next to him, he glances at me "hey Emmy, how come your a loner?" I ask amused, he blinks before grinning then he frowned "how haven't you aged?" He asks curiously "I could ask you the same thing" I said smirking as I lift my legs up onto his lap because he's my old bestie an he doesn't seem to care.

"We'll talk about this after school were people won't be able to hear, ok?" He says narrowing his eyes "whatever, give me your phone" I said holding my hand out, he gives me his phone without even asking why I wanted it, I put my number into his contacts "call me after school and we'll meet up somewhere to talk, alright?" I said handing it back.

He nods just as the bell rings, I got up first cause he couldn't with my legs on his lap, Embry stands up and we walk out of the classroom together but we didn't talk as we walk into the cafeteria and sat at the same table to eat. "So did you miss me?" I ask smirking at him after we both finished eating "not really" he grins cheekily.

"Well fine, I didn't miss you then" I said sticking my tongue out at him "why is it your only immature around me, I still remember when we were kids and you'd act so different until someone else was there then you would be all snobby and mature" He says amused as I poke his arm, I'm bored so I can poke whom ever I want to.

"I don't know" I said shrugging just as my phone beeps off causing me to shriek falling back, Embry's arm snakes around my waist before I could hit my head on the floor and he stares at me as he carefully helps me sit back onto my chair properly and let go "aren't you going to look at your phone?" He asks clearing his throat and looking around the cafeteria before back at me.

"Nope, it's just my Aunt" I said shrugging just as the bell rings, we both stand up an Embry had a different class then me so I was ditched..


After school, I was sitting on the couch in my apartment when my phone starts beeping off

"Hello" I answer as I run a hand through my hair

'Um hey, it's Embry, erh so do you wanna talk or um meet up' He mumbles awkwardly, I smile at how cute he sounded

"Come over then" I said and told him my address, he said ok and I hung up on the idiot, I waited on the couch while playing games on my phone until I hear a knock on the door. I got up an trudge towards the thick wooden door, I slowly open the door "Emmy, welcome to my humble home" I said smiling warmly as I let him inside and shut the door.

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