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Dani Pov

I drank a blood bag as Rebekah brushed my hair "what about names?" She asks "what do you mean?" I ask confused "the baby needs a name" She chuckles "I don't know" I sigh and wiped my mouth placing the empty bag down "well what about last name?" She smirks "defiantly Mikaelson, that's what Kol would like" I said rubbing my belly smiling.

"Now first name" She says thoughtfully "Dakota?" I ask softly "what about for a boy?" She asks smiling "Elliot?" I ask biting my lip "you should rest now, you look tired" she says laying me back in Kols bed and leaving the room as I fell to sleep...

I gasp sitting up clutching my belly an that's when a stinging pain in my throat had me vomiting into a toilet as Rebekah yells for me to shut up, gagging and dry drenching now hurt the most, my throat burned as my insides felt like they were being twisted together & ripped out, fresh tears streaming down my face as I shakily wipe sweat from my forehead.

I close my eyes an take a deep breath before standing up gently clutching my stomach, I groan trying hard not to scream in pain, I slowly make my way towards the bed as agony continued throughout my entire body, tingles of pain coursing its way through my veins, I reach the bed an hear a crack as I sit on the edge "Rebekah" I yell sobbing uncontrollably.

A new more powerful pain circling through me, she walks in looking tired yet concerned "Jesus Christ, Dani, I know your pregnant and everything but I need my beauty sleep" She says helping me lay down as I groan "what beauty" I ask chuckling weakly, she glares at me as I gasp in pain "your lucky I can't throw you out the window right now, I may be a bitch but I'm not killing my brothers unborn child" She says crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Lucky me" I snort an let out a hoarsely yelp "you need more blood, its hungry" She says smirking before she was gone, I would have yelled at her for calling my baby an it but then again we don't know if it's a girl or a boy. Rebekah comes back an hands me a blood bag, I snatch it an bite the top off, in less than 5 seconds I had already sculled it.

After awhile Rebekah left as I lay there thinking, the pain wasn't as bad now but I feel so empty without Kol here, what if I do have to go back to the other side after my baby is born? Can Rebekah handle having a baby around? what if I'm still alone back on the other side? What if my baby ends up alone or hurt or... I had just realised that I was crying as I thought about the fate of my baby.

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