Talking About Stuff....

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Dakota Pov

Embry sat awkwardly on the couch as I stood close by watching him, my heart twisted as my eyes became glassy from tears, an aching for him, I want him so badly but I can't, I can't have him, I can't love, I'm a freak, a monster, a vulgar unknown species with a heart full of pain & regret, my soul is slowly fading away, I know this because I feel less alive everyday, I feel numb.

"So what are you?" I ask clearing my throat, he sighs deeply before standing up "I'm a werewolf" He blurts out looking around the room with a nervous expression plastered on his gorgeous face- I mean his face erh yeah just his face, I should shut up now. "Um that is so awesome, you don't really seem like the type of guy that turns into a giant dog though" I said stroking my imaginary beard.

"What type of guy do I look like?" He asks raising an eyebrow, I step closer towards him "hm perhaps a very attractive one who looks stoned by the way" I said chuckling, he blinks before he looks away from me "whatever, so what the hell are you?" He asks sounding slightly annoyed, probably from what I said but he'll get over it.

"I don't know, I was born the way I am now and well never bothered to find out what exactly I am, my Aunt thinks I'm special but I just think I'm a freak" I said shrugging as I spoke truthfully. He looks at me with a blank expression "your not a freak" He says after a long silence "yeah right" I snort crossing my arms over my chest "Dakota, you aren't a freak, ok?" He says frowning as he steps closer.

"Embry, I'm not the same girl you used to know, I've changed and not in a good way, I- I'm different" I said trying hard to swallow the lump in my throat and blinked away tears that are trying to escape. "I don't care, your still Dakota, the girl I grew up with since we were 8 years old, the girl who lectured me about cheating, the girl who I fell in love with" He says standing right in front of me.

His soft tender lips pressed against mine, our bodies pushing against each other as I felt two warm arms wrap around me, I was pulled closer until I realised what I was doing!!, I'm kissing Embry Call?!?! no no no NO I can't bring him into my pathetic life, I can't hurt him too.....

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