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Dani pov

I watch as Jeremy rips out the stake and tries to kill Kol, I look away as he shoves the stake into Kol's heart and Kol sets on fire as he dies, I knew he would have died but I can't live without him, I vanish to the other side alone as I watch Jeremy's mark expand and now they have the map to find Silas and the cure.

I decide to watch Klaus have his tantrum with Tyler & Caroline watching him clearly loving the fact his stuck in the living room while their safe. I reappear in the graveyard and sat in front of my parents graves "you got your wish, I'm dead and no longer a useless mistake" I mutter before going to the Gilbert house again.

I sat next to Kol's dead body as Tyler & Klaus have an argument, If I could cry I'd be bawling right now, I turn to my dead body "I'm sorry I let you die" I said and softly kissed Kol's cheek not feeling his skin beneath my lips.

I frown as Caroline & Tyler cover Kol's body with a blanket then my body, I decide to go see how the others are doing with the cure. "Wow they can't even work together" I said shaking my head before having a front row seat In watching Damon torture Shane or whatever the hell his name is but before Damon killed him Elena stops him.

I walk out the old barn like house thingy, I wanted to scream in frustration as Elena & Damon argued and so did Rebekah & Stefan, people seriously need to stop bickering, I'm dead and somehow I'm getting a headache?! how's that bloody possible.

I vanish to the other world and watched as Jeremy dies from Silas & Katherine, I watch as Katherine takes the only cure for only one vampire, I watch as Elena thinks Jeremy will wake up but he won't. If I didn't die to try an help Kol which failed miserably, I'd have died anyway from Silas who Kol tried to warn everyone about but no one listened not even me.

I look around, It was just a blank room like place with no one but me, I deserve being alone for everything I've done, I've killed innocent people, I let Klaus kill my parents even though they hated me, I could have saved Kol if I'd have warned him earlier about what Elena was planning to do with Jeremy, I let my friends down and I wasn't there to help Elena as she turns her humanity off and burns her own home down.

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