Blood Bath

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Dani pov

We reach the place to see Fin standing inside a circle of burning torches and Esther close to the circle "my sons come forward" Esther says as I lean against a tree but still being seen by them "its ok, they can't end it" she says to Fin "that's lovely, were stuck out here while the favourite son plays sacrificial lamb" Kol says.

"How pathetic you are, Fin" Kol says "be quiet Kol, your brother knows vercue you couldn't even imagine" Esther says emotionless "what ever you think of us, killing your own children would be an atrocity" Elijah says, what the hell is an atrocity? Can't they just call her a murdering bitch or something "my only regret is that I did not let you die 1000 years ago" Esther says, wow their old hahahaha.

"Enough, all this talk is boring me, end this now mother or I'll send you back to hell" Klaus smirks, Esther steps closer to him "for a thousand years I've been forced to watch you, felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood, even you Elijah with your claim to nobility, your no better, all of you are a curse on this earth, stretched out through generations" Esther says giving them all looks.

"If you've come to plead for your life, sorry but you've waste your time" She says, she faces me "your parents are lucky they are not here to watch the monster you've become" She says, I glare at her crossing my arms "yeah I'm the monster" I snort, she faces Fin before starting the spell, I smirk as she stops "sisters don't abandon me" she yells before falling to her knees, Fin grabs her and vamp sped away.

"Dani?" Klaus asks before darkness consumed me and I fell....

My eyes snap open to see Klaus burning papers in a fire "they've all gone except Rebekah" He says, I felt my heart ache, I sit up on the couch "whatever" I grumble "love, I know you better than you think, I also know my brother, I saw the way you two looked at each other" He smirks "I don't know what your talking about" I said standing up.

"How long has it been since you had a drop of blood?" he asks narrowing his eyes "2 weeks" I shrug "Dani" he frowns "I'm gonna go now, I might leave town for awhile" I said and left. I went to my place and had a shower, I change into denim shorts, a tank top, my black leather jacket & black converses. I grab my phone and locked the front door, I hop in my car and drove off.

I arrive in Chicago and hopped out, I went into the nearest bar and saw only a few day drinkers, I lock the door and my face changed, I heard their screams as I drink greedily until every last one of them were half-dead in their own blood just Incase I get hungry later, I was covered in blood as I grab a bottle of tequila and drank as I turned the crappy radio I found up all the way.

I sat against the wall only hearing the loud music, the groans of the half-dead people and loving the sweet taste of alcohol as I take a long drink. I throw the empty bottle at the wall before angrily killing the people, I stumble back drunk and fell on my butt before passing out..

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