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Dakota Pov

I keep having nightmares, always different but I always wake up screaming, I sigh as I walk to school in sweatpants & a tank top, Olivia is out of town for a week before she has some business to attend to. I had my earphones in listening to 'I think I'm in love again' by Kat Dahlia, I sang softly as I reach the parking lot, I hear Ness call my name but kept my head down as I walk into school.

I go to my locker, I open it an try to find my maths book, I find it and walk to class early, I sat at the back and waited, the bell soon goes and it took awhile before people start walking in. Embry walks in with Carly under his arm and they sit in front of me, Ness skips in and sat beside me "you ok?, you look exhausted" She says frowning "just lack of sleep, I'll be fine" I said smiling reassuringly.

She gave me a worried look before we did our work until someone knocks on the door and I look up to see Damon Salvatore "Dakota, I need to speak with you" He says sternly "I'll message you later" I said to Ness before I left with Damon. "What's going on?" I ask confused as we hop into his car "just some precautions, I'll explain when we get back to Mystic Falls" He says an I didn't ask any more questions.

We finally arrive in Mystic Falls an he pulls up at The Salvatore Boarding House, we walk inside "ok so what the hell's going on, I have enough bullshit to deal with back at Forks" I said impatiently an gasp when something sharp stabs through my back and I collapse into darkness....


A Few Days Later

Olivia Pov

I walk into Forks High School an found Renesmee Cullen "have you seen Dakota?" I ask worriedly "no, she said she was going to message me but she never did, that was a few days ago, Embry is really worried about her" She says looking concerned "Embry?" I ask confused, I thought Dakota compelled him to forget her "yeah the night she left he broke down and now no one can calm him down" She says frowning.

"Did she say where she was going?" I ask with narrowed eyes "no but um she left with a guy, black hair, really pale, mid twenties, kinda scary looking" She says nervously "thanks, tell Embry to pull his head out of his ass and stop being such a whining bitch, I'm going to go get Dakota" I said cracking my knuckles before I storm out.

I drove to Mystic Falls as my anger rises "I'm sorry, Dani, I didn't think this would happen" I mutter bitterly and I drove until I reach the Salvatore Boarding House. I barge inside an vamp sped into the living room to see Stefan & Damon "Dani?, your dead" Damon says surprised, I mentally smirk "I was, but I want my daughter back, you don't have any idea when I might find her, do you?" I ask with narrowed eyes.

"Rebekah already came for her" Stefan says looking annoyed "leave her out of this bullshit!, I don't want her hurt, do you understand" I hiss angrily before I vamp sped out. I drove to the Mikaelson mansion an Rebekah was glad to see me, Dakota was on the couch watching t.v "your boyfriend is worried about you" I said smirking as I lean against the wall.

"Shit Embry!, I forgot about the compulsion, bloody Damon got someone to dagger me" She says bitterly an said goodbye before we left..

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