Killed Or Daggered

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Dani pov

I weakly open my eyes to see I was on the couch when I hear Elena hiss in pain, I vamp sped into the kitchen to see her hands burned "what happened?" I ask "vervain in the water" She says as Matt & Jeremy stand up from where they were playing a game?.

"Jeremy, you are so damn lucky I don't wanna kill any of you for that" I said rubbing my head "you really like him, don't you" Elena frowns "I don't wanna talk about him, I'm tired" I said sitting in a chair yawning.

I rested my head on the table as Jeremy called Kol and gave Elena his phone about a truce when someone knocks.. Kol's here!!. Matt leaves and Jeremy points his cross bow at the door as Elena opens the door "you'd think being alive for a 1000 years would give me manners but I couldn't resist stopping by" he says as I close my eyes sleepily "if I let you in, my brother goes your not getting near him" she says.

"Fair enough" Kol says in his cute accent "you can come in" Jeremy says before a door opens & shuts "no gold medals for bravery I see, the thing I love about the modern ages, music anytime you like" Kol says making me mentally roll my eyes "so this is the part where you offer me a drink so we can have a proper chat" he says stepping inside and the door closed.

"Dani, wake up" Elena says shaking my shoulder "go away, Elena" I growl sleepily "your still pissed off?" She frowns as I open my eyes that were still glowing yellow, I raise an eyebrow when I see Kol playing one of Jeremy's games and Elena holding a bottle of alcohol.

I stand up and shove past her "where are you going?" She asks worried "no where" I grumble going back into the other living room and collapsing on the couch listening to their conversation "sorry, I had to dig out the old people alcohol" Elena says "you know that's the problem with people today, they have no drinking imagination, a century in New Orleans now they know how to make a drink" Kol says.

"You lived in New Orleans?" She asks "we all did, until Niklaus shoved a dagger in my heart" he says coldly "why?, What did you do" she asks confused "what makes you think I did anything because your alliance with my brother softened you to his horrors" he says not nicely "I don't have an alliance with Klaus, we had a mutual interest in finding the cure, that's all" She says.

"Had?" he asks "yes and I'm willing to give up looking for it if you promise to leave my brother alone" Elena says seriously, I jump slightly as my phone beeps off, I grab it from my pocket and crushed it in my hand before throwing the pieces to the wall hearing Elena mutter something about immature.

"Now can you teach me how to make this" She asks probably referring to the drink "I'll get some ice" She says as I heard pouring "here you go" she says sounding a little shaky "would you like one" he asks "sure, why not" she says sounding normal again "your pretty good at that game considering you've been locked up for 100 years" She says "I'm a quick learner, quick reflexes, its not quite like the real thing is it?" he says sounding like there was a smirk on his face.

"You've killed haven't you or are you on of those Mary Sue vampires" he says "I've killed once, guessing your numbers alot higher than mine" she says calmly too calmly "you lose track over the years so are we going to talk about Silas or just jibba jabba" he says and I heard them walk into the other living room "no one else seems to think Silas exists so why do you" Elena asks curiously.

"I used to run with some witches, Africa in the 14th century, Haiti in the 17th, New Orleans in the 19 hundreds, they all knew about Silas that he needed to stay buried actually all the witches in high esteem" He say "yeah but why Silas, why are you so afraid of him" She asks, I felt my heart twist at the thought of Kol & Elena alone cause shes a slut, no offence.

"They said if Silas rises, he'll unleash hell on earth, I happen to like earth just the way it is" he says "its pretty biblical" She says "now that's the other problem with people today, they've lost faith and in that loss they no longer know who they should fear" He says when I zoned out thinking about how Kol will soon be dead and I'm just laying here doing nothing.

I sat up as the front door shuts "Dani, have you had some blood" Elena asks as I walk over to her "like you care" I snort as we went to the kitchen, Jeremy finely gets here "his gone, I tried to stall him as long as I could" Elena says when the doorbell rings, Elena opens it to find Kol "I've considered your request for a truce, request denied" He says, she tries to shut the door.

"I'm sorry I've already been invited in" he yells kicking open the door but they were already hiding as I just sat in the kitchen on the ground drinking a blood bag "hide an seek, fine by me" he says before I heard noises, I shove the bag in my pocket with the other one and wipe my mouth when I heard Kol dial his phone "did you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother are trying to kill me" he says.

"Oh don't pretend that your not in on it, your obsession to finding that cure clearly trumps any sibling loyalty you once felt" He says as I stand up only to make the floor board creak, I blink as Kol appears in front of me "I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arms and kill Elena just for sport then I'm coming for you" he says coldly before hanging up "where are they" he asks still in the cold heartless voice.

I try to vamp speed away from him but he caught my arm and yanked me back into the bench, I grunt pointing upstairs. He walks away as I fell on my butt silently crying, I heard Kol growl as a cross bow was fired, I wipe my eyes and stood up grabbing a knife, I heard grunts and doors slamming open, "missed" I heard Kols voice before grunts.

"Now about that arm" Kol says, I hide the knife behind my back as I look up the stairs to see Jeremy being dragged down, Kol gave me a look as he drags Jeremy into the kitchen, I vamp sped up stairs to see Elena and we both vamp sped into the kitchen, Elena cornered Kol and Jeremy used the sink tap to spray vervain water on Kol.

Elena moved away as Kol groans in pain, Elena grabs the stake "Jeremy now" she says throwing it to him, he was about to stab Kol when I vamp sped in front of him, I heard Elena gasp as I fell on the ground mummifying....

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