The Mikaelson Ball

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Dani pov

Kol goes back to looking at himself "is Elena that chick that has the Salvatores wrapped around her finger?" I ask Rebekah "you've never met her" She smirks "from what you've been saying, I don't think I want to" I said making her grin "how long have you been a hybrid?" She asks curiously.

"A few months, I don't know" I shrug "can I ask you something?" She asks "sure" I said "if your not sired to Klaus then why do you listen to him" she asks curiously "its a long boring story and I have to go" I said and vamp sped out the door as fast as I could.


I walk into the Mikaelson Mansion wearing a dark blue floor length dress, black boots because no ones gonna see my feet anyway and I don't like heels, my hair was curled and I had black gloves on. I mentally groan as Elijah tells everyone that its waltzing time... oh the joy, I somehow got stuck with Kol "oh don't look so glum, darling" he smirks.

I rolled my eyes and was thankful when the dance finished and I walked away before he could say anything, I saw Mayor Lockwood "Dani?, is that you" She grins, I smiled a tight smile "hi Mrs Lockwood" I said politely, she doesn't know that Klaus killed my parents and always asks me if I'm ok or something "how have you been?" She says frowning "fine" I said and saw from the corner of my eye Kol & Rebekah talking.

"IF there's anything I can do, just ask alright?" She says placing her hand on my shoulder "ok" I nod and she walks off, I sigh in relief before listening in on Kol & Rebekah "- I brought him here to kill him" Rebekah says, Kol raises an eyebrow "his Elena's best friend, if he dies then she suffers but I've already been scolded once so I was hoping you'd help your baby sister out" she says.

"And spit right in the face of mothers rules" Kol says facing her, I saw a smirk appear on his lips "I'm in" he says causing Rebekah to smile, I stop listening when I heard a thud upstairs?, I walk upstairs to find Damon unconscious and Stefan watching him "Elena's with Esther I presume" I smirk "are you always this nosey" Stefan asks narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yep" I grin when he slams me into the wall "I should kill you" he hisses baring his teeth "like you could" I said shoving him off and snapping his neck, Stefan fell next to Damon as I fix my glove before going back down stairs only to be pulled by Mayor Lockwood into her conversation with Rebekah "where's Damon & Stefan?" Mayor Lockwood asks "with Elena, where else" I said raising an eyebrow.

"But where are they?" she asks "I don't know, I'd rather not waste my time on things like Elena Gilbert" I said coldly before walking away, I lean against the wall with my arms crossed and saw Rebekah walk over to Kol so I decided to listen in again "-what are we waiting for" Kol asks anxiously "the mayor cornered me, give me 15 minutes to lore Matt outside" Rebekah says calmly.

"Outside?, what's wrong with right here, on the stairs, make it sceptical" Kol says with a smile, what a moron, a very attractive moron "you sound like an idiot, Kol, Mother would kill you if you ruined her party, see you outside" she says before walking away, I stop listening as Kol smirks.

I swear this family gets creeper by the minute, I heard thuds up stairs, aw the babies are awake hahaha and their cranky, I wanted to scream in frustration when Mayor Lockwood walks up to me handing me a glass of champagne. After Esther talks everyone takes a sip, I stare at it smelling something that caused my stomach to twist "aren't you going to drink, its not very polite not too" Mayor Lockwood says.

"Uh I'd rather not" I said noticing Esther was giving me a hard look, I place it down and walked up stairs hearing noises and went to the balcony to find Kol practically crushing Matt's hand "Kol, leave him alone" I said crossing my arms "why should I" he smirks when Damon appears next to me "hey easy on the hand, the guys a quarter back" Damon smirks.

Kol have him a deadly glare, I frown as Damon throws Kol over the balcony and jumps down, I jump down just as Damon snaps his neck, everyone started walking out "Damon, are you crazy" Stefan says "maybe a little" he says when Stefan saw me and I'm guessing he was pissed off because he decides to snap my neck and I fell on my side....

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