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Dani pov

I wake up groaning in an old barn in a cellar like room, I saw Stefan in the one in front of me "who the hell" I hiss pulling a wooden bullet out of my neck "the council" Stefan mutters "Rebekah?" I ask "in here" her voice filled my ears "who else?" I ask weakly "Elena, she hasn't finished transition yet" Stefan says looking heartbroken.

"Well I made a promise that I can't keep if I'm stuck in here" I said yelling the last part annoyed "shut up in there" a guy yells banging on the door "make me, asshole" I yell clutching my aching side, the door slams open and a guy with a gun walks in and points it at me "I said shut up" he spits and shot me in the chest, "ow" I grumble pulling it out as he walks away.

"Dani, if you don't be quiet then you'll get shot again" Rebekah chuckles weakly "Its not like I want to stay here all day" I snort when two guys walk in with some vervain, Rebekah tries to bribe them before trying to grab one, Stefan ends up getting him and smashing the guys head into the cage bars until dropping him as he bleeds "Elena" he says weakly.

I smirk as Elena just touches the blood pool with her fingers and licks her fingers, Elena breaks her cage door down and drinks properly before unlocking our doors, Rebekah ran for it as we went to find Damon about to kill Matt, Elena stops him as I vamp sped to my house.

I grab a blood bag from the fridge and sculled it, I had a long shower and changed into jeans, a tank top & boots, I put on a jacket and was about to leave when Damon appears next to me and snaps my neck.

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