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When Bonnie did the spell to bring the dead back to life.. temporally......

Dani pov

I grin as I went into my old home, Bonnie did it but by the time she does a spell to change that I'm going to be alone again, people can see me now and hear me. I have a shower washing my hair and changed into jeans, a tank top & converses, I leave and vamp sped to the Grill and grabbed a bottle bourbon because the Grill's closed today and I don't give a shit.

"How did I know you'd be here" Damon smirks sitting next to me "lucky guess now piss off" I snarl sculling my drink "you got yourself killed, don't get all cranky pants on me" he says rolling his eyes "I said piss off" I growl standing up with clenched fists with a deadly glare, I saw no one else in the Grill because its closed duh.

"You've gotten bitchy" he smirks as I grab the bottle and take a swig "I died, it happens" I grumble taking a long drink "Dani, give me the bottle" He says seriously "sure" I smile sweetly and smashed it over his head, he groans falling to his knees "next time I say to piss off, I'd listen if I were you" I smirk before vamp speeding outside.

I was outside the school when a hand went over my mouth, I turn and slam the person into the wall "easy Darling, I thought you'd be happy to see me" he smirks, I let him go rolling my eyes "you shouldn't do that, I may be dead but I still get freaked out when people sneak up on me" I said crossing my arms annoyed "do you want to be alive again or not" he smirks.

"What are you talking about" I ask with raised brows "come with me" he says holding out his hand "I'm busy" I said turning to leave, Kol grabs my wrist and turns me back around "you tried to save me, why?" he asks with narrowed eyes "just because I tried to help you it doesn't mean I needed a reason" I said yanking my wrist back from his grip.

"Are you sure about that, Darling" he smirks "don't you get it, I knew what they were planning, do you know how much guilt I felt, you'd still be alive if I had told you but now where both dead and I'm sorry ok" I said silently crying as he stared at me emotionless "do you want to be alive again or not" he asks bluntly "yes" I said looking down.

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