Leave Me Alone

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7 Years Later

Dakota Pov

I'm back in Forks but this time I'm alone, I have a cousin now thanks to Uncle Klaus banging that bimbo, my cousin is named Hope Mikaelson obviously she's a girl and she just so happens to be a troublemaker, so I'm never bored when I go to visit. I was currently in the bath tub in my new apartment that Aunt Rebekah pays for.

Oh an I still look 17 years old, no one knows how but I just never grew any older, it kinda sucks donkey ass though, I shriek when my phone beeps off, I hop out an wrap a towel around me before answering my phone, I talk with Aunt Rebekah as I get dressed and she hung up on me when she figured out I was driving while on the phone, she's so paranoid that she thinks I'll crash or something.

I reach the school wearing my favourite black skinnies, a loose shirt, a pair of black boots and my hair was curled, I noticed people staring as I park my black ford drive. I hop out into the freezing cold weather but I don't mind the cold so I left my jacket that I had taken from my apartment in the car and grabbed my bag. I lock my car an saw almost everyone staring at me as I walk into school with my head held high.

"Miss Mikaelson, its a pleasure to meet you" Mr Smith, the principal, says smiling warmly as I sat perched on a chair in his office "alright, there's one thing I need you to do" I said smirking while compelling him with my awesome vampire ninja skills, I can do everything a vampire can except drink blood but I'm not sure what the hell I am but oh well.

"Yes, Miss Mikaelson" He says bluntly as his shoulders hunched forward "your going to be on my side with every little reason, your my bitch, simple as that" I said shrugging, he nods and I left after snatching my schedule from his pathetic grubby hand.

I walk into class "welcome to advanced mathematics, Miss?" The teacher says smiling warmly, everyone looks up from their textbooks and I froze when I saw a tall muscular version of Embry Call, he looks like he hasn't even fucken aged wtf, it can't be him "Mikaelson, um Dakota Mikaelson" I said biting my lower lip as I sat alone hearing a small gasp coming from the guy that looks like Embry.

"Ah yes, I spoke with your Aunt, she says your a very bright young lady" The teacher says looking at me curiously "meh, not really, I find my Intelligence to be very limited in the department of mathematics" I said shrugging and confusing some people hahaha.


After class the guy that looks like Embry stops me from leaving the room with two other guys that looked like Jacob Black & Quil damn I forgot his last name, aw now I feel bad, there was also a girl with them, ha I'm shocked they can actually get a girl to like their vulgar bullshit.

"Um can I help you?" I ask raising an eyebrow "did you ever live here before" Embry blurts out- well the guy that looks like Embry, I haven't figured out how they haven't aged yet damn my stupid brain is refusing to think "I'm late for my next class so please leave me alone" I said sternly an tried to leave but the guy that looks like Jacob grabs my arm.

"Dakota, cut the bullshit, we both know its you so care to explain" He snarls rudely, I rip my arm from his grip "explain what? your lack of manners or the fact that you smell like a wet dog" I said huffing before walking out feeling pleased with myself, plus he did actually smell of wet dog, weird as that sounds, maybe he should change shampoos.


At lunch I sat alone like the loner I am and ate a salad as quickly & lady like as possible but I doubt I looked like a lady with cheese stuck in between my teeth and the French dressing all over my mouth. I decided to go to the bathrooms to clean up and of course do my business, I wash my hands and smiled at myself through the mirror.

I was about to leave when the girl from earlier walks in "oh hi, I um I'm Renesmee" She says nervously as she walks into an empty stall "hi, I'm Dakota" I said smiling warmly, she smiles before shutting the door, I left surprised that such a polite girl would hang around that guy that looks like Jacob, I don't know why I'm not convinced its them, I don't think I want too.


After school I was heading towards my car in the parking lot when they stopped me again "is it you or not" Renesmee asks annoyed, she was giving 'Jacob' a pissed off look before she storms away, I frown at how obvious it is that she wants his attention yet he forced her to ask me questions like he did for most of today.

"Leave me alone" I said softly trying not to lose my temper, I try to walk around them but had no luck "Dakota, please tell me if its you" 'Embry' says pleadingly, his eyes were teary? as he steps closer towards me "just leave me alone" I growl shoving past them, I unlock my car and hopped in.

I take a deep breath before starting the car and driving away from that hellhole and heading back to my apartment to call Aunt Rebekah and tell her how I already have so many issues in this town.....

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