Not Alone....

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Dani Pov

I sat on the thick blankets on the leather couch with my baby girl in my arms, Rebekah kept taking pictures of her to send to Klaus & Elijah. I kiss her small forehead knowing that I had to leave soon "Rebekah?" I ask softly still staring down at my beautiful daughter "you can't leave" She says sadly without me even saying that I was leaving but its true, I got to see my daughter now I'll watch over her on the other side.

"I have no choice, please Rebekah, promise me you'll keep her safe" I said teary eyed as I look up at her "ok ok, I promise, just don't blame me when she gets into trouble because you know she will if she's anything like Kol" She said sternly narrowing her eyes at me as I stand up "take her, its time" I said trying hard not to cry as I place my daughter in Rebekah's arms.

"Goodbye" I said gulping hard to swallow the lump in my throat, I felt myself shivering as I disappear infront of Rebekah's eyes, I was still in the room but I wasn't alone "Kol?" I ask croakily, he smiled at me "she's got your eyes" He says turning towards our daughter, Rebekah sat on the couch rocking her to sleep as Kol and I stare silently.

"Dakota Mikaelson, I hope your Aunt isn't going to turn you into a shopaholic as well" Kol said out loud as if he hoped they heard him, he looked at her in awe as I slowly walk towards him "how long have you been here for?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him, he faces me smirking mischievously yet a slight pained look in his eyes "I never left your side, darling" He says an winks at me.

"At least I'm not alone and neither is she" I said glancing at my gorgeous baby girl "no ones truly alone, darling, some people just feel like they've lost everything, that there isn't anyone that cares, that my darling is just bullshit" He says shrugging, I roll my eyes but chuckled, he certainly hasn't changed "time to go?" I ask softly, he nods "come on then" He says taking my hand.....

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