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Dani pov

I gasp sitting up clutching my aching stomach only to feel a bump?, I look down "what the hell" I say in disbelief as I stood up still in the woods only to gasp in pain "ok, I'm dreaming, dead people can't get pregnant" I repeat biting my nail as I walk through the woods while using my other hand to rub my belly feeling its soft heartbeats.

I reach Rebekah's house hearing multiple people yelling, I trudge inside "Rebekah?!" I ask hearing them stop and Rebekah walks out of the living room and gasps "Dani" She whispers in disbelief until seeing my stomach "Bonnie" She yells and everyone suddenly walks out including the Salvatores "who knocked you up" Damon smirks.

"I sent all the ghosts away" Bonnie says dumbfounded "Dani, how are you pregnant?!?" Elena asks in shock "well when two people-" I was cut off by Damon "we know how but she means you were dead so how can you get pregnant" He explains confused "and who's the Father?" Klaus asks smirking knowingly at me "I don't know but I know one thing for sure that the Dad is Kol" I said biting my lip.

Their jaws drop except Klaus's who's smirk grew wider "I'm confused, your dead but pregnant and Kol's dead but knocked you up" Rebekah says furrowing her brows "its safe to say we're all confused" Damon says amused "your not the one pregnant here so stop complaining" I grumble crossing my arms.

"Oh my god" I gasp clutching my stomach "what's wrong?" Rebekah asks worried when I vomited making them all step back disgusted "no wonder my mum hated me, this is fucked" I grumble wiping my mouth with the back of my hand "gross" Rebekah says looking at the vomit "come on, love" Klaus says picking me up bridle style.

I was placed on Kol's old bed, Rebekah sat with me as I rubbed my belly "promise me something?" I ask teary eyed "what?" she asks curiously "when this baby is born, If I go back to the other side, promise me you'll take care of him or her, I don't want it to be alone" I said silently crying "I promise" She says calmly.

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