Magcon miami

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Macks pov*

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. It was currently 5am. We had to leave for the airport in half an hour to get to Miami as magcon is tomorrow! I dragged myself out of bed and went to the bath room. I got dressed into lazy clothes. I wore my black magcon hoodie and some adidas leggings with my white adidas trainers. I had my hair down naturally and out a black adidas hat on top as I look real rough this early. I was too tired to put any make up on so stayed ugly.  I packed the last of my things and began to attempt to drag my 3 suitcases down stairs.

"Oh hey Let me help you!" Johnson exclaimed taking two of my suitcases down the stairs. I followed behind him with my other one and we placed them by the front door. All the other guys were eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Woah you look tired sis" cam explained

"It is current 5:20 in the morning, it's still the middle of the night for me idiot!" I responded hitting the back of his head.

Within that ten minutes we were all rushing out the door and got in the limo to the airport.

*skip plane ride cos I'm lazy*

"Yo, mack wake up we're here" shawn nudged me.

I guess I fell asleep on the plane. We both stood up and grabbed anything we bought on the plane with us and met the other guys just off the plane. We went to get our suitcases and found our limo and made our way to the hotel.

When we arrived we met Bart in the lobby. He told us the room arrangements.

1.mahogany, mack, cam and Carter

2.nash, Hayes, jack and jack

3.matt, Taylor, Aaron

4. Kian, Jc and shawn

We made our way up to our rooms and there was only two double beds. Me and lox decided to share. I laid down and ended up falling asleep.

When I woke up it was 12:09 in the afternoon. I noticed lox was watching to and Nash was asleep, I don't know where cam is though. I stood up and began to unpack.

"Oh hey you're awake" lox said

"Yea I didn't realise I fell a sleep" I laughed. She laughed to,

"Cam is in Taylor's room and I think a couple of the others are to." She exclaimed. I just nodded in response and unpacked a little more. Soon after Nash woke up. Us 3 decided to go to Taylor's room and w found al the guys there. They were watching tv, so I sat down next to Matt. 

Half an hour flew by and I was hungry. 

"Hey guys I'm going to explore Miami and get some ice cream, anyone wanna come" I asked

I heard a load of no thanks and then

"I'll come!" Nash said.

"Kk cool, let's go" I grabbed his arm and opened the door, just before I shut it I heard Cameron say..

"Bring me something back!"

We just laughed shaking our heads and made our way to the streets. We were just talking about nothing really as we were walking, I don't know where but we were walking lol.

"So you excited for magcon?" Nash asked

"Of course I am" I laughed, he did to.

We soon found the beach. There were palm trees everywhere and we could her the waves crashing, it looked better with the sun shining as well. I felt Nash grab my arm.

"Hey, let's take a selfie" he said grabbing his phone. I laughed.


He held his phone up and we posed for the selfie. Nash and his arm wrapped around me and he smiled whilst I stuck my tongue out. We took a couple more. There was even one with us laughing at ourselves being stupid. It looked really cool as you could see the palm trees and sea behind us so Nash posted it to Instagram and Twitter saying "exploring with the bae" he tagged me and I laughed that he called me 'bae' I decided to screenshot and post it to. We took a walk on the beach and found an ice cream stand. I got chocolate and Nash got vanilla, we decided to get cam and mint chocolate chip, but in a tub as he asked. 

We soon made our way back to the hotel and the guys turned out to be in our room. I gave cam his ice cream and sat next to lox on our bed. They were watching friends. 

*After dinner*

We went out to dinner in the resteraunt by the lobby and came back up to the hotel. It was really late so the guys went back to their rooms to go to bed. Before I went to bed Nash said 

"Hey I had fun today" I smiled

"Me too" I pecked his cheek and went to sleep with a smile on my face.


Oooo! What do u think? Do u think mack and Nash should date? Or should she be with one of the others.

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