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The next couple of days were very chaotic -and when I say chaotic, in mean more chaotic than usual. Luna has been staying with us over the last couple of days since Ms.Rose is still in the hospital. All of the others seem to enjoy her presence.

When Luna said something about staying to Miss Peregrine, Miss Peregrine said and I quote: " Miss Luna, as much as I would enjoy and prefer for you to stay with us, your mother explicitly told me when I visited her in the hospital, that that can I was forbidden to do so. Your mother loves you, Luna. Even though she might not understand. It is not under my control whether or not you stay." Blah Blah. Luna is still saying she will refuse to go back to her home when her mother gets out of the hospital.

Currently, Emma and Luna have dragged Horace, myself, and Milliard to the mall. We have been sitting by the dressing rooms judging their clothes for hours. I literally would have rather spent the day with a Hollowgast. When we complained, Emma told us that she had to dress "Modern" and something about "Beauty hurts". I was about to tell her she was already beautiful, and she didn't have to spend all of her money to show that, but not before Horace broke.

"That's it. I'm done." He said, standing up. "I have forgotten why I am still here in the first place. I have officially lost all manliness I think I ever had."

"You can't leave!" Millard hissed, grabbing  by the shirt sleeve and pulling him down, "They need us."

"For what?" He asked."To see if their bum looks good in a certain pair of trousers? Or maybe how good their-"

"Shh!" I said. "Come on, we can go stand by the car," I said standing up. "You know that they're going to kill us, and more importantly Emma. You know what it's like when she gets mad." I told them as we walked out and started maneuver our way through the store.

Just as we reached the food court, my phone started to buzz. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. My heart stopped. Emma...

"She's calling!" I screeched, dropping my phone as if it was a ticking time bomb.

"Why are you so scared, mate?" asked Millard, picking up my phone. "It's just the Emma, when would you of all people ever deny that?" He said as he started to move to press the answer button.

"Are you mad?" Asked Horace, smacking the phone away from him."They are probably livid by now."

"What about Luna? What if she needs our help?" Said Millard looking worried.

"We left them literally like two minutes ago, Millard,  I'm sure they're fine," I said.

"Why are you so concerned about Luna anyways?" Horace said. He seemed to realize something. A wild grin spread across his face. "You fancy her don't you?"

"What? No..." Millard said, miserably failing at trying to hide his nervousness.

"Uh huh..." I said grinning at him. "Right."

Millard went red. Then, if was even was physically possible, he got even redder. Horace and I were laughing so hard, we didn't even realize who was behind us.

Emma cleared her throat loudly."Boys," She said scowling, adjusting the shopping bags on her arm. "Good to see you all are having a nice time."

"I'm sorry, but, Millard likes who?" Asked Luna cluelessly. She looked at Millard. They both went extremely red. I was confused until I reminded myself that she could read minds.

Horace and I were trying not to laugh. I couldn't help it, I busted out laughing. Soon Horace couldn't contain himself, so he started to crack up.

"Will you two grow up?" Asked Emma, trying to hide a smile.

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