T W E N T Y - F O U R

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"We leave at Ten fifty-eight precisely." Said Miss Gannet, her leather boots clicking on the concrete floor of her office.

"I thought you said midnight," I said. "I expected you to force me to teleport you or something."

"I would, but I don't trust you, Mr.Portman, and I believe that you will seize the opportunity to kill me the very moment that device leaves your wrist. Same for you, Mr.O'Connor."

"Damn right." I heard Enoch mutter beside me.

I sighed in my frustration. Both of us were forced to come to her office and listen to her drone on about our destined failure and how weak we are. But I noticed this had become a normal thing with Miss Gannet.

"I'd have never thought you were such a good guesser," I replied menacingly.

"Your anger comes from your insufferable ability to be uncomprehending and suborn." Said Miss Gannet coldly.

"How poetic." Enoch retorted, crossing his arms.

She ignored him and cleared her throat in an irritating way, "I've also reached a conclusion," She said, turning abruptly towards Enoch and frowning at him. "You know too much." She said plainly.

"Do I now?" Said Enoch, looking merely annoyed.

"You have one of two choices," She said, pausing for dramatic effect, resulting in Enoch rolling his eyes. "You can either allow me to kill you right now, quick and painless, or you can come along with Mr.Portman here and allow the wights seep their deepest hatred and revenge into your torture as you die an agonizingly slow and certainly painful death."

Enoch looked at her thoughtfully, "Hm, that a pretty hard choice to make, but I think I'll go with the pain and torture."

"You don't act very intimidated." Said Miss Gannet, an aggravated edge creeping into her voice.

"It's just that I just consider your idea of scaring me laughable." He replied flatly. "But I do find it admirable how much thought you put into misleading us."

"What might you be talking about?" Asked Miss Gannet, narrowing her eyes.

"Don't act like you don't know. You purposefully showed Jacob the Weapon's vault and fed him the lie about putting together an army against the Wights to scare him. You knew that the Weapon's vault and Jacob's nervousness would spark my interest, and counted on me, sooner or later, to get Jacob to show me where it was. You used that memory wipe thing on Jacob, didn't you? It must have caused him to forget the real directions to the vault and lead us the wrong way- which happened to land us right outside your office this morning, causing us to fall, quite literally, into your trap."

Enoch explained this as if it was the most simple thing to figure out in the world, and it angered me. How had I not seen that coming?

Miss Gannet leaned forward in her seat, a scowl forming on her boney, lined face. "I never took you for a fool, Mr.O'Connor, but I suggest you keep these silly ideas of yours far from your mind, it could easily get you killed."

"Something tells me that you're just full of empty threats." He snapped.

"You do realize I could kill you instantly if I wanted to. You are completely at my mercy." She replied, anger seeping into her voice like venom. She was losing the mask of control she had made for herself.

"You played us," I said, giving into my own anger. "You played us like a stack of damned cards. Not only us, but you played Peculiardom as a whole. You're a ymbryne who betrayed her own kind for a bunch of white-eyed bastards!" Before I knew it I was yelling, my anger getting the best of me.

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