T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Either awakening from sleep or unconsciousness, the pain came back- lots of it, coming from everywhere all at once.

When I tried to sit up, my ribs exploded with pain. I sank back into the bed I was in and tried to remember what had happened. I vaguely remembered a hollow and the feeling of being squeezed nearly to death.

I took in my surroundings: The room was a hazy dark, a silver moon illuminating it in an eerie glow. I glanced around the room and saw Enoch, which immediately made me feel better. He was asleep in a chair across the room, and he looked so calm and peaceful that I didn't really want to disturb him.

My heavy-lidded eyes begged for more rest. My throat was itchy and dry, and when I managed to take a shaky breath, I let out a weak cough.

At the noise, Enoch's eyes snapped open and he immediately sat up, although I could tell it hurt because he winced.

"You're up." He said, his voice abnormally hoarse. He seemed to notice this and cleared his throat. "I wasn't supposed to fall asleep. Don't tell Emma."

I managed a weak laugh. "I won't," I said, startled at how raspy my own voice was. "How long have I been-"

"Two days." He answered before I could finish.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Quick answer."

He shrugged, although I could see a smile playing on his lips. "So how do you feel?"

"Fine." I lied. I didn't really want to make a big deal out of it, so before he could question my response, I said, "What happened to you?"

"You don't remember?" He paused and looked at me curiously. "Oh wait, you...er, lost consciousness. But we were attacked by a hollow."

"I remember that, but what happened afterward?"

"Well, I threw the anchor of the boat at the Hollow's face, or at least I think I did- I couldn't see it- and it fell into the water, presumably dead, if not it, it was at least knocked unconscious and it drowned. Either way its dead. Anyways, it dropped us both in the water and..." He cut himself off, his face darkening.

"And what?" I prodded.

"Nothing." He said brusquely, standing up with a wince. "I'd better go get Emma. She wanted me to tell her when you woke up." When he stood up, the moonlight from the window illuminated him and I was able to see him more clearly. His eyes were tired and, even though he tried to hide it, his shoulders were slumped in a way that suggested that he hadn't had the best past two days.

He slipped out the door and before I could dwell on his sudden exit and why, Emma came in.

I could see the danger, anticipation, and stress of the last couple of days had taken its toll on her. She looked drained and tired. Her eyes were rimmed in red and she had a small limp. She sat on the edge of my bed and pulled her legs up to her chest and smiled at me through a mask of pain- although I wasn't sure what kind.

"So," She said, a mask of optimism in her voice, "you feel any better?"

"I feel fine." I lied again. "But, more importantly, can you tell me what's going on?"

Emma twisted a strand of her hair around her finger, "We're at Bentham's old house in Devil's Acre. Sharron brought us here, but he left a couple hours ago. He decided to take Jitters with him. He said that we already had enough to deal with and we didn't need to add him to the list."

"Bentham's old house? As in the man who betrayed us to the Wights-"

"-but eventually helped close the library of souls?" Emma interrupted. "Yes, him."

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now