T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Drum, drum, drum.

Enoch kept drumming his fingers on the table. He was looking over my shoulder at something, his eyebrows knitted together. Since I was invisible, I could get by with glancing over my shoulder to see what he was looking at without him fussing at me for not minding my own business. There was only two people he could have been looking at: an overweight ymbryne who was viciously eating a turkey leg (Practically cannibalism!) or Annie, the pretty ginger girl from the hospital ward that Enoch seemed to always be with.

"Can you quit?" I said, losing my patience. "That's obnoxious."

He jumped. And for a fraction of a second, there was a panicked look in his eyes in which he didn't know who was talking. I was reminded of the old satisfaction of scaring people out of their wits and I couldn't help but smile to myself- even if no one could see it.

"Birds, Millard." He said, returning to his food as if he hadn't been staring at anyone, although he was stabbing at his eggs with a little more force. "You really shouldn't sneak up on people like that."

"Actually, I was here first, you just didn't know it." I corrected him.

"You're the obnoxious one, Millard." He said.  "Sitting here watching my every move without making your presence known. I'd prefer to dine alone."

"I was just enjoying the show," I said, wishing he could see the smirk on my face. "You were giving that Annie a serious stare down a minute ago. Found someone to fancy, have you, mate?"

"Who told you that?" Enoch asked, leaning forward, giving me a withering glare. Somehow, he seemed to look me directly in the eye despite me being invisible.

"No one told me anything," I said slowly, kind of taken off guard. "I just put two and two together. It doesn't take someone with an intelligence quotient of one hundred fifty to figure that out."

"You need to shut up." Enoch snapped. "And put some clothes on for a change. After seeing you walk around visible it's a little weird."

"You never cared before." I pointed out.

"Well, I rather not have a conversation with someone when I know that they're sitting right in front of me naked." Said Enoch with a bit of annoyance in his voice, "Do you not find that the least bit unusual?"

"We're peculiar, Enoch, everything about us is unusual." I countered.

Enoch looked back up at where he thought I was sitting, "Listen here you translucent child, I'm tired of hearing your smart remarks. It doesn't impress me. It might catch Luna's attention, but not mine. You didn't think I noticed that now did you? I could go have a nice chat with her if you want to play a childish game of who fancies who."

Despite his words, I started to snicker silently to myself because, during that little rant of his, Annie had come up behind him. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion when she saw he was arguing with what appeared to be no one.

"Who fancies what?" She asked from over his shoulder.

Enoch flinched in surprise and turned around and looked at her, "Um, no one."

"Right," She said slowly, not quite believing him. "Who were you talking to?"

It's a good thing that he doesn't have Emma's ability. If he did, the whole place would've been on fire right now. He looked murderous.

"Millard," He answered, saying my name like it is some type of poison.

Meanwhile, I had moved to the other side of the table and I put a hand on each one of their shoulders and said, "Now that isn't how you talk about a friend."

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now