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Millard was singing at the top of his lungs from the backseat of the car. He had just discovered earphones and was happily and shamelessly singing Adele, his voice cracking in all the wrong places. Millard was just loving listening to modern music. He was singing so loud, that I could barely hear myself think. Not to mention Millard is a terrible singer. I glared at the road in front of me. This had been going on ever since Millard stole my phone because he left his at the house.

"Millard." I said, barely clinging to my last nerve, trying to get his attention. "Millard!" I repeated louder.

"MILLARD!" Yelled Emma, turning around in the passenger seat.

"This is beautiful." Millard said pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. Well, at least I hope he was pretending. Otherwise I would fear for his sanity. Millard looked towards the sky as if expecting to find something there, "A timeless masterpiece! This Adele, she is a goddess!"

"I think that's enough Adele for you, Millard." Said Emma reaching for my phone.

"NO!" Hissed Millard, pushing Emma's hand away. Emma just rolled her eyes and turned back around.

"I think you're in love." Said Horace elbowing him. He looked at me in the review mirror, "Are we there yet?"

I didn't know how to answer that question. We were lost on a backroad, and I was almost out of gas. We had been on the road for a good two hours, it was dark, and Milliard kept singing. "Horace, we have no destination." I said, sighing. "We are about to run out of gas."

"Emma, what time is it? I don't think I and going to get my phone back anytime soon. That reminds me." I gave Millard a sharp look through the rearview mirror. "Don't you dare use up all of my data, Millard Nullings."

"Your what?" He asked.

"Never mind." I said.

"Eleven." Emma told me with a frustrated sigh."Damn, my phone just died. Miss Peregrine's gonna kill us, especially since we didn't tell her we were sneaking out."

I gave her a crooked grin, "You don't usually tell people your are seeking out."

"Well, it was your idea." I told her seriously.

"Well, you agreed." She said, an edge seeping into her voice.

"You're the one who wanted to get out of the house." I said, an edge creeping into my voice too.

"Jacob," Horace said in a quiet voice, I ignored him.

"Oh really? Well then guess you didn't want to go?" She asked her voice raising and she narrowed her eyes.

Millard obviously could see where this was going, and attempted to stop us, "Now, now, you two, let's not say things we don't-"

"Shut up, Millard!" Emma and I yelled in unison. Millard closed his mouth and scowled at us both.

"Jacob!" Horace said again, in a louder voice.

"Not really!" I said to Emma, voice raised.

"Oh!" Emma yelled back. "I was just bored!"

"You would think that sitting in the same loop for like eighty years would have been boring enough." I retorted back.

"Jacob! Listen to me!" Horace yelled.

"What?" I asked with an edge in my voice.

"Roll the damn window down!" Horace ordered, I had never heard him swear, like ever, so I rolled it down just in time, before he puked on himself. Horace, in the mix of hanging his head out the window, dropped his phone. I heard in land on the pavement outside the car as we were driving. I slammed on the breaks, which made Horace's head hit against the side of the window. He made a noise in pain. Emma and I had turned around in our seats to look at Horace.

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now