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"Now," Miss Peregrine said, her boots clicking on the concrete driveway to Jacob's house, "even though you don't like them, you must respect them. Remember: Yes Miss, Yes Sir, No Miss, No sir, please, thank you, and excuse me."

Enoch rolled his eyes, "I don't care if my life depends on it, I'm not showing any resect to, Martha." He spat.

"Mr.O'Connor..." Miss Peregrine muttered halfheartedly, knocking on the front door.

The door opened slowly, "Why are you here?" Asked Ms.Rose quietly from behind the front door.

"Because I can be." Said Miss Peregrine plainly, as if she was talking about the weather.

Ms.Rose glared, "If you even dare-"

"Come in, children." Miss Peregrine said over Miss Rose, pushing past her.

When we walked inside, I was surprised. The house was very neat. Don't get me wrong, the house was neat when we previously stayed in it, but this was immaculate. And to be truthful, it creeped me out. Even more than Mrs.Portman's forced smile as she walked down the stairs into the entrance hall we were all standing in.

"Children, teenagers, elders- whatever you all are, it's great to see you." Mrs. Portman said sarcastically. It was obvious that Mrs.Portman had a lot more nerve than Mr.Portman and that she definitely has built up a lot of anger in the last month or two she had been living with us. "What brings you here on this fine afternoon?"

"They are living here with you, Maryann, until I find your son and three of my others wards. You see," Miss Peregrine said, skipping right to the point, "these creatures called Hallowgast and wights like to hunt down people like your son, myself, and my wards. And right now, that's who they have the fortune to spend their weekend with. So next time you think life is hard," Miss Peregrine shot an ugly look at Ms.Rose, "think about others that are less fortunate."

"Jacob's in danger?" Whispered Mrs.Portman, breaking her sarcastic mood.

"Since when have you cared?" Muttered Enoch.

"He happens to be my son!" Snarled Mrs.Portman.

"Yes," Miss Peregrine said with a finality in her voice, "he is and I am fully aware of that, thank you. But must I add that you and your husband have practically disowned the boy. And if you think for one moment that has not affected him, you're wrong. We have already discussed this, Maryann, away from curious ears."

Mrs. Portman crossed the room at lightning speed until her face was inches from Miss Peregrine's, "You listen to me, you mental bird lady-" That was all she could get out before Bronwyn had her pinned up against the wall, knocking the breath out of her.

"You take that back!" Yelled Bronwyn heatedly.

"Miss Bruntley!" Yelped Miss Peregrine in surprise.

Ms.Rose looked at Miss Peregrine in repulsion, Mrs.Portman's feet where inches off the ground and she was gasping for air. "Are you just going to stand there? Get that barbarian off of her!"

This was Miss Peregrine's turn to get angry. She turned to Ms.Rose with a look of such infuriation and hatred that a shiver went down my spine.

"Don't you even dare insult one of my wards." Miss Peregrine said, her tone low and threatening. Another choking sound from Mrs.Portman seemed to knock Miss Peregrine out a trance. Miss Peregrine's eyes widened, "I swear to birds, I have lost my temper more times in the last three months, than in my whole life." She turned to face Bronwyn.

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now