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Sometimes, as I often do when I'm in need of someone to talk to, I go to Emma for advice. So that is exactly what I did.

Emma's reaction when I teleported into the library was absolutely priceless. She nearly fell out of her chair in surprise.

"Jacob! You scared the devil out of me!" She said, clinching her heart, halfheartedly throwing a book at me.

I caught the book right before it was about to hit me in the face. "An army. She wants me to assemble an entire damn army." I said as I walked over and sat down next to her with a sigh. "Ever since I had been introduced to the peculiar world, I've gotten used to people talking in riddles, but this is just downright confusing."

"Is this what Miss Gannet wanted to talk to you about?" Asked Emma, sitting up. "What did she do?"

"So she brings me to one of the lowermost levels of the office to some kind of weapon's vault and tells me all of this stuff about how I'm 'Peculiardom's only hope' or something. As if without me, peculiardom would be in shambles right now-"

"Jacob," Emma said, interrupting me, "she's probably right."

When I gave her a doubtful look, she continued. "I mean, you couldn't have done it without help, but at the same time, we couldn't have done it without you."

I lowered my voice, "I don't think she really wants me sharing any of this with anyone. But I know that Millard, Enoch, and Luna are already suspicious because I went by the hospital a minute ago and I think I completely gave myself away."

"Your right about one thing." Said Millard, popping up from behind a bookcase.

"Damn you, Millard!" Yelled Emma, practically jumping on top of me in surprise.

"How do you do that?!" I asked, eyes wide.

"Being invisible for over eighty years had do get me somewhere, now didn't it?" Replied Millard, pulling out a chair and sitting down. "So it's Miss Gannet, eh?"

I glared at him. "I was having  the conversation with Emma."

"I was aware." Said Millard. "That was why I listened from behind the bookcase." Millard glanced over his shoulder. "You two can come out from behind there, you know." He called.

A few seconds later, Luna and Enoch came out from behind where Millard emerged a moment before.

"I hate you." Muttered Enoch.

"You weren't supposed to say anything!" Said Luna, gabbing Millard in the ribs.

"Don't you guys get it?" I said angrily. "This is a big deal! This is a matter between Wights and Hollows that want to kill us!"

Enoch rolled his eyes, "We'll join your blasted little army, Jacob, if it makes you feel any better."

"That's not even what he's saying!" Said Emma impatiently, bit too loudly.

"Shh!" Hissed an ancient looking librarian, who came around a corner with a stack of books in her hand. Casting a glare at us, she turned around and began levitate the books she was holding up to a shelve above her head with a wave of her boney finger. When she left, Enoch glared at Emma, mouthing Calm down.

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now