T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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M I L L A R D 

"So this is the place of 'dangerous risk', huh?" Luna asked, stepping out into a familiar long hallway lined with several identical doors. She laughed, "Yeah, this place seems real perilous."

When I stepped out behind her, I noticed the first bit of dawn streaming through the hallway from a window on the far end. I was about to comment on it when an unsettling gust of freezing wind blew through the hallway.

"That's unusual," I commented, shuttering, "Considering we're not outdoors."

This place seemed familiar. All of these doors lining a hallway, all of them identical... I turned around and studied the door Luna and I had just come out of. On it was a bronze plate labeled: COY London, 1896

"C-O-Y" Luna repeated from beside me. "That must stand for-"

"Council of Ymbrynes," I finished, turning and meeting her eyes. "We must have just unintentionally used Myron Bentham's Panloopticon. We're in Devil's Acre."

"Which means that the map was referring to Devil's Acre as dangerous and risky. Shouldn't we take that as a sign and leave?" Luna said, knitting her eyebrows together.

"I don't know, but I can't blame Perplexus for saying that," I said. "This place is as close to hell as one can get."

"And Miss Peregrine wanted to take us here for our safety? I think that if one of the most genius peculiar scholars like Perplexus believed this place to be dangerous and risky, well,  it is anything but safe."

I grinned at her, "You know no one has ever referenced Perplexus like that before. I'm proud of you."

The dawn light illuminated her face in a way a new noticed before. I struggled to not dwell on how beautiful she was, considering she could read minds.

She rolled her eyes coyly, "Whatever, Millard, but we need to see if anybody else is in this house. But judging by the silence and the creepy gusts of wind, I assume not. If anything, it's haunted."

I laughed, "Luna, this house isn't haunted, trust me."

There was a rush of something that sounded like footsteps coming from above us.

A chill went down my spine, "Maybe I stand corrected." I said, my voice higher than normal, "This way." I hastily grabbed her arm and started off in the opposite direction of the footsteps. 

Luna stopped. I tugged on her arm, "Come on, Luna. I don't like ghosts." I complained.

"Quit! You're what- eighty-six years old? Stop acting like a baby." She demanded, dragging me off in the other direction towards the footsteps.


You know, all my life I thought it was impossible to scare Enoch. Guess I was wrong.

He had his back to us, trying to open one of the doors to the panloopicon with an old, rusted key. 

Why was he here in Devil's Acre of all places? He, Annie, and Emma could have literally gone anywhere and they chose here?

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now