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We all landed in a tangle of arms and legs on cold, hard ground.

"Every time." Millard muttered, rubbing the back of his head as he attempted to stand up but tripped over Luna's leg and landed hard on the ground next her.

"Jacob," Millard said in a all-to-familiar winey tone, "It's so hard being visible. And not to mention unbearably hot. It's nearly impossible to bear. Especially in a burning building. I have no idea how you do it. I really miss not having to wear clothes."

Luna looked at Millard with one of her eyebrows raised.

"How irksome, Mr.Nullings, that you choose to complain at a time like this." Said familiar voice.

"Miss!" Said Millard, immediately scrambling up and grinning at Miss Peregrine, trying in vain to brush of the ash that he was covered in.

Miss Peregrine glared at all of us. "All of you are in for more punishment than your peculiar souls can imagine! Especially you, Mr.Portman. Running into a burning building! That was incredibly foolish! I could have thought for sure you were all dead. We heard gunshots!" She gestured to Fiona, who which I had not realized was there until she emerged from behind Miss Peregrine looking at us all curiously.

"Fiona!" Said Emma, running up to Fiona and happily hugging her friend tightly.

Millard smiled at Fiona, but quickly turned to face Miss Peregrine with a solemn look. "We need to go home, Miss. Back somewhere we are safe. We just killed two wights in that fire, but there are always more. There's no doubt that the wights and hollows that are left are angry."

Emma was caught in a conversation with Fiona- I guess she didn't mind talking now. Being mute did Fiona more bad than good, I must say. Although I'm sure I will be regretting that soon enough. I sighed when I looked over to see Millard arguing with Miss Peregrine-which was a mistake-over what we should do. So that left me sitting awkwardly next to Luna.

"Where exactly are we?" Asked Luna looking around.

"Somewhere." I replied, looking up at the clear night sky that was full of stars.

"How did Miss Peregrine find us? I mean, she couldn't have known where-or even if- you were teleporting us." Luna pointed out.

"A ymbryne can always find her wards when she needs them." Said Miss Peregrine walking towards us, Millard at her heels. "It's part of being a ymbryne. We can usally tell where our wards are. It usually develops more the longer you are a ymbryne. It is how I was able to find you at that jail."

"But how?" Insisted Luna. After all this time, Luna had been so eager to believe that she was peculiar-so sure of it- that she probably had never stopped to think of how unreal it all seemed. I know I did. I could tell that her uncertainty had struck a nerve in Miss Peregrine, because she pursed her lips and tried to look as Miss Peregrine-ish as possible when wearing nothing but a trench coat and surrounded by sweaty, ash covered teenagers that just killed two wights.

"Sometimes, Miss Luna, you must  learn to open your mind and allow the exploration of new worlds." Said Miss Peregrine plainly, looking around us for the first time. "Well, Mr.Portman, it seems we are hopelessly lost. Do you have any idea where you have taken us?"

I knew better than to tell Miss Peregrine Somewhere. "Um, not exactly sure, no."

Miss Peregrine paused. She probably expected me to know where we were. "Well, I can only guess that you will have to try and get us to the nearest loop."

I sighed, all of the teleporting and stress had left me exhausted. "Miss Peregrine, can we just rest? I haven't slept in..." I had to think for a second, "forever. It's been too long."

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now