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The four of us landed in a heap on the floor, all of us in complete shock at what we had just seen. We barely had the time to exchange wide-eyed looks before the creaking and groaning of the stairs revealed a livid looking Miss Peregrine.

She glared at us, he eyes narrowing in such a way that reminded me she could turn into a predatory bird.

"How dare you," she growled at, advancing towards us quickly. "Why would you leave like that? Just to worry me to death to the point I thought I had actually lost the lot of you? Has it even crossed your minds that I have ten wards to look after, including Miss Luna? Leaving like that when my back's turned is an immature, defiant act! You should be ashamed of yourselves! "Going-"

"Miss Peregrine-" Interrupted Millard in a frantic tone.

"-off like that," Continued Miss Peregrine in a fierce whisper, ignoring Millard, trying not to wake the others, "Just irresponsible! I try and give you all a little more freedom, and you take advantage of my generosity! All four of you deserve to be punished severely. I can't-"

"Miss Peregrine!" Interrupted Milliard again.

"What Millard?" She answered, not even bothering to use his surname as usual.

"We, er- saw a, um, a..." Stuttered Millard, barely able to get the words out.

"Wight." Finished Horace shakily.

Miss Peregrine's eyes widened, "What?" She managed quietly, her face ashen.

"We saw a wight." Repeated Millard fully in a more confident tone.

"You saw a..." Repeated Miss Peregrine, looking at the floor. "Children, go upstairs, wake the others. We must leave immediately." She waved her hands us go. "All of you, go."

"Wait, wait, wait," I said. "We can't just run away and hide in a loop Miss Peregrine. It didn't work the first time and it certainly won't work the second."

She drew a deep breath, "It seems to be the safest option right now, but simply as a precautionary plan." She paused. "I must alert another ymbryne as soon as possible, although the only one easily reachable is Balenziaga Wren." She trailed off, saying the last part to herself. All four of us exchanged glances. She was talking about a ymbryne that we all knew well, Especially Emma and I.

Miss Wren was known for having two loops: one being her Menagerie, the other an unnamed tourist loop she was using to house escaped peculiars of wight raids when we were on the run trying to save Miss Peregrine. She was known for the wards she took in. They were always peculiar animals, one of them being an especially interesting dog by the name of Addison. He had risked his life for us and was extremely loyal to Miss Wren.

"I must have time to think this through. This is too much all at once. We will set off first thing in the morning. Get some rest, dears, we'll need it." She told us, although she sounded distracted as if her mind was somewhere else and those words came from the autopilot part of her brain.

There was absolutely no chance in me getting any sleep, not after what had happened. I was sure that Horace and Emma were thinking along the same lines because they followed Millard and me into our room.

Emma sat down on my bed and put her face in her hands, "I can't believe this is happening again."

"Me either," Horace said, not even bothering with his usual composer and lying face down in the carpet. "But it's only one wight isn't?"

"We don't know that," I said, sitting down beside Emma. "For all we know, there could be more. We might not have killed all of them when we closed the Library of Souls." I starred down at my hands, nervously tapping my foot.

The Aftermath: MPHFPC (editing)Where stories live. Discover now