Crashing the Party

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i land on the paved walkway unbalanced, forcing me to grab onto the wall. i regain my balance and pull my hand off the wall, realizing im bleeding. i glance at the wall and its covered in thorns from growing vines. i observe my dress and arms they seem to be fine and without injury but my hand has a nice gash in it. ill just find a bathroom before i find the Alpha and wash the blood off. It will heal in a second but the blood will still be there.

i follow the stoned pathway, ducking through tree archways and branches, hearing laughter and giggles in the distance, but not seeing a single soul. I finally make my way out of the maze of trees and flowered bushes to find myself standing at the steps leading to the doors that open up to the party.

i pick my dress up with my uncut hand and begin climbing the stairs. At the top, I marvel at the gorgeous glass doors and am almost blinded by the amount of light coming from inside.

People. Everywhere. Girls in glamorous dresses and masks. Men in fitted suits twirling the women. All these people are here partying, not even caring about those less fortunate, its disgusting.

I walk up to the glass doors, i reach out to open the door, when it opens for me before i can even touch it. Two men dressed in the same uniform smile at me as i pass them. I give them a small smile and turn around just before i run right into a couple dancing.

"Oh sorry." i spot an open chair and make a beeline for it. I badly need ot sit down and rest my aching feet. Also i need to locate my target.

I am to distract the Alpha, somehow grab a key that is on his person at all times, slip away and give it to Dan and Peter. Who are now sneaking in and making their way to the womens bathroom, so i can meet them there.

Speaking of bathroom, i need to wash my hand, can't have the Alpha becoming suspicious. I stand up and search around the room for a door that leads to the restrooms. All of a sudden as i am in mid search a man appears infront of me.

"Yes?" i question, still searching. He chuckles which pulls me to make eye contact with him.

"What are you searching for darling? I'm right here." he gives me a cocky grin while i try and keep myself from throwing up. Really?

"Unless your a bathroom, then im not looking for you." his grin fades slighlty but his face kept its cheery glow.

"Right this way my dear." i give him a stern, questioning look. "Don't worry. I don't bite." he gives me a wink and i begin walking, since i won't find a bathroom on my own.

As we walk, people turn and stare at us. What? Did I have something on my face? What was it?

"What are they staring at?" I ask whispering to my male company.

"At you and me." I turn to him, confused. What so special about him? Shit! He wasn't the Alpha was he? But the man answers my question. "Oh I almost forgot. I'm Caleb. The Alpha's youngest brother."

Now it makes sense why they are staring. It's because he is related to the Alpha. Got it.

We finally make it to the hallway that I am guessing leads to the bathroom, after maneuvering through hordes of people.

In the hallway there are numerous doors leading to rooms. This house is huge, it could probably fit my whole pack, if only we had the money.

"Here we are." Caleb stops at a door and waits for me to walk back to him, since I walked ahead by accident.

"Thanks again." I smile and move to open the door but he stops me.

"What's your name?" His eyes are full of curiosity. I was told by Peter to tell him a fake name so I don't blow my cover since I'm well known.

Yea, Peter, Dan, Alice, and I are wanted. They know our names and not our faces. I'm the only one from our group that needs to change my name since how many girls with the name Artemis do you hear about? Yea not many.

"Elizabeth." His eyes shift a little. His emotions are unreadable.

"Strange. I've never seen you at pack gatherings before. Now why is that?" Shit! Mayday mayday! I've been found out. Play it cool Artemis, play cool.

"You know what? I forgot my bag. I must of left it by my chair. I'm just going to..."

"I knew from the minute I saw you that you didn't belong here." Caleb grabs my wrist and opens the door. Revealing not a bathroom but a closed room without windows. A chair is bolted to the floor with a table sitting in front of it.

"Let me go!" I struggle and try throwing punches with my free hand but he grabs my wrist with lightning speed.

"Your not going anywhere." He picks me up so that my feet are no longer touching the floor. He throws me inside the room, hitting the floor with a thud.

My skin burns as my wolf pushes to be released. I am about to shift when the door slams shut and I hear multiple locks clicking shut.

I take some deep breaths to calm my wolf down so I can think straight. Call Alice.

I place my finger in my ear, clicking the button on my earpiece allowing me to talk to her.

"Alice. Alice you there?" I waited for a couple seconds before hearing static then her voice.

"Yea Baby. Did you get the key? Man you work..." I cut her off.

"No Alice. Im in some room. The youngest brother of the Alpha found me out. Im locked inside a room and i can't get out." she didn't answer until what felt like a couple minutes later.

"I informed Peter and Dan. Im sending them to your location in the house. Just stay there, ok?"

Its not like im going anywhere else, im kind of locked in here. I let out a deep sigh and take a seat in the chair. The second my skin touches the ice cold metal, a horrible burning sensation runs through my body.

I immediatly jump out of the chair, landing on the floor hard, again. i scream out in pain as the buring in my body continues. i look up at the chair. Silver.

Dam it! Why didn't i notice that?! Ugh! i just lay on the floor, letting the pain slowly fade away as i wait for the boys. i shut my eyes tight trying to bare the pain waves.

Finally the pain is dull enough for me to crawl to the wall letting me sit up. i take deep breathes as my wolf and I recover. Then the door begins clicking open. I stand up, masking the dull pain from the silver so i look strong.

The door opens and men begin piling into the room. About five or six. Two of them being Peter and Dan. My stomach drops, were so dead.

HAPPY 2014!!!! :D

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