The Dark Figure

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A man sent from Cain came and escorted me to my room. Not my cell, but a nice bedroom with a sofa covered in deep red blankets. I immediately climb into bed once the man left. I'm so tired. The second my head hits the cushioned pillow, I'm out.

Im standing on a ledge, looking towards the horzion as the sun sets across the ocean. Twigs break behind me, i turn. A giant black wolf stands behind me, odviously an Alpha. The Alpha bows his head to me and then sits as if it is waiting for something. I feel an immense pull towards this wolf. I take a step toward the gorgeuos wolf. Then another... The wolf stands and begins walking towards me. His paws not making a sound as they glide over leaves. Five feet away... three... one. I reach my hand out to him, but before i can touch him he jerks away. Turning to something he heard behind him.

"Whats wrong?" He starts backing up, slowly pushing me towards the cliff. He stops pushing when im feet away from the edge. He growls. I look over and a single man stands infront of us. I can't make out any features but he is tall and muscular and wearing all black. I begin to shiver at his sight. The wolf growls even more, his hairs standing up on the back of his neck. I take a step back, slipping off the edge screaming. i am falling till the black wolf catches my shirt in his teeth. I smile up at him, his eyes full of worry and love. Then they show pain, I realize why. The dark figure is on the wolf back holding a large silver knife... I begin screaming.

I wake up screaming, covered in a layer of sweat. My breathing is heavy and labored. My eyes frantically search the room for the wolf. Is he ok? Does he live? my mind is going a mile a minute.Then i see a dark figure move in the shadows. Immediatly I bolt upright.

"Who's there?" I feel my wolf itching to be released. I snife the air, i can't smell any scent. The figure moves again."Come out." I order.

"Fine princess, you got me." Cain emerges from the shadows. "I heard you tossing and turning and thought i would check on you." i take a deep breath and plop back on the bed. Cain comes and sits next to me. "Why were you screaming?"

"I ...uh... had a nightmare." i begin breathing normally.

"Awww I'm sorry..." his hand glides across my cheek, pushing stray hairs from eyes which sends cold sparks through me. "You know Arthemis, you remind me of someone. Someone who died many years ago who was very special to me."

I smile, not really sure how to react to that. He continues.

"She was my mate. Strong and fearless, like you. Never siezed to give up and stubborn as hell." He sighs, leaning closer to me. "You are so much like her..." his hand wraps around my head forcing me into his lips. His lips are cold and I immediatly feel nauseuos from the kiss. I pull away.

"Im sorry, i just... im just not feeling well." I didn't want to straight out tell him his lips made me want to puke or he would have gotten angry. He nods as he pulls away.

"Go back to sleep, i'll see you tomorrow morning." i nod and smile as he leaves, pausing at the door to wave goodbye then disappearing into the hallway. Once the door clicks closed, i sprint to the bathroom. Sticking my head in the toilet... and well throwing up. My head feels so heavy and flooded. What's happening to me?

One kiss and im pucking up a storm? Something is wrong... I slowly stand up and make my way to the sink. I turn the water on and splash the cool water on my face. I peer at the stranger in the mirror... it's me. Whoever me is. I want to know, Im tired of this guessing game. Why can't i remember? I slam my hand agains the mirror, cracking it completely.

I take my hand from the mirror, its covered in blood. I run it under water, holding back tears from its horrible stinging. As if in an instant my legs go weak, i collapse, the bathroom fading from my vision, being consummed in darkness.


Sorry for not updating lately but I've been crazy stressed recently

I'll try and update next Saturday!

After next Saturday it should be more recent

Thanks guys!!!!

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